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68 lost souls

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Everything posted by 68 lost souls

  1. If I wanna put a finish like the voodoo on would it work with mahogany and Guanes Alve and also would it work with a laminate top of swamp ash? What type of guitar is that above me with the 6 pots.It must be pretty rare cause most people are laugh when you say your putting 6 pots in a guitar. Im doing it.
  2. Can someone tell me what pots are used in an SG and in a strat (250k or 500k)
  3. If Im putting in a trem (most probably a floyd) does it affect the neck angle. Im thinking of a 3degree angle like my epi g400. If Im making a longer scale, neck through and more frets than a regular SG (25 1/2" instead of 24 3/4") I dont think moving the body back about an inch will realy make that much of a difference and also Im using a pretty strong wood(Goncalo Alves) for the neck so that should help.
  4. Heres the wiring explanation and diagram It's "the ultimate strat version 1"that Im talking about. I dont think it realy needs the mid range shaper, so Ill get rid of that and also instead of the dpdt I want to put in a 2 way switch. I want this with a phase switch to put the neck and bridge in and out of phase and also seperate controls for the each pup. (3tone and 3volume) I want to make the three volume pots push/pull pots to split the hums and/or tap the single coil. What would the differnce be if I used different pots? Also what switches and pots would I use for each one? Could someone get draw up a better diagram for me preferably with the Seymuor Duncan colour codes. Im new to guitar making and wiring so if you could explain things simply for me aswel that would help. Thanks
  5. I am currently designing a 24 fret neck through guitar. Its my first project and I was wondering if you could help. Since its a neckthrough can I move the place where the neck meets the body back so instead of the normal 16th(I think) fret join its a 20th fret or something making it easier to reach the last frets. Also is it hard to cut a neck angle into a neckthrough guitar? Thanks
  6. Would you be able to do the voodoo fininsh on a mahogany body? The gibson Voodoo dont realy have a well pronounced red so would you just use a brighter red to bring it out more or else add more coats? Would the red not show over the black making it more purple or somewhat?
  7. Can someone please direct me to a tutorial or explain/ suggest ways to finish a guitar llike this only more pronounced red. Thanks
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