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Posts posted by american_jesus

  1. stripping is piss easy, especially if you get the right stuff. most "strong" chemical paint strippers will take off the finish pretty quick. i've heard "aircraft stripper" works the best on poly finishes, and works quick. all you really have to do is put the stripper on, put it in a plastic bag for a while, then scrape the paint off. make sure you wear glvoes, a mask, and goggles. that **** isn't good for you!

    by the way, good luck with the projecy.

  2. well, you can refinish 2 ways. one is to just scuff the finish, and spray over, the other is a lot more labor intensive, but in my opinion, will yield a better result. you'll have to completely strip the body, prep it, then paint it.

    if you're doing a sunburst, reranch has some aerosols that are suppoes to be pretty easy to use and give good sunburst results. plus, reranch is easy as hell to use...as long as you're in the US, it'll be shipped to your door in about 5 days. i suggest you check them out for a tutorial on how to finish, int he first place.


  3. ...why not take the 15 inch carvin, route out a channel for it 15 inches, set it in, and be done with it? it'll be a "super super super super long tenon" or a neckthrough, whichever you wannac all it. i say you just do that, but that's just me...

    and get some nice maple veneer (or cap fi that's what you're doing) and toss that on top...it'll work fine.

  4. "1. How hard are these woods and is there anything I need to know before I start working with them?

    2. I've seen teles with f-holes. What would the advantage be in adding a chamber and a soundhole?


    sorry, cant answer the first part of the first question...but anyways

    you should know in theory how to build the guitar. you should have some templates of some sort, all the necessary tools, and the necessary knowledge on using the tools.

    as for the f holes, and the chambers, it just adds some resonance. gives them a little more airy sound. the advantage would be a lighter weight, the disadvantage is the loss of the true tele tone.

    good luck, and welcome to the forums.

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