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Posts posted by vh-guitarstore.com

  1. if you are going to spray polyester paints, you really have to make the commitment to it....you cant just go out and buy a wagner-causfield gun and go....you got to spend the cash for a good gun, invest in a lot of acetone, have a real spray booth, full body armor and mask.....wherever you spray this will smell forever like polyester, so a stand alone shop is best.....BUT, when you get set up and get the hang of spraying something so thick, its easy as pie and fast..........basically you just bang on some polyester sanding sealer, sands up like glass, paint and clear....3 days

  2. i get what you say, and the type of music you play fits what you use....that was another side of the coin.....

    eddie's setup is considered low output...allthough its cranked to peak performance....dont confuse distortion with high output.....it depends on how many windings he had on his pick up if its high out put....back then, i doubt it was...this tone philosophy about low output pick ups comes directly from eddie...thats where i got it....and then i got it.....eddie never did care about what he used pick up wise or the other...as long as he had his marshall....i wouldnt state that if i didnt know it to be true.....up until the ernie ball days, everything was just slapped together with whatever they had.......

    i recomended the jb once to someone who was looking for a high output balanced pick up......and, i said i dont practice what i preach due to circumstances of playing habits.....i play maybe 2 hours a month!......if im lucky......right now my favorite pick up is the sh-14 from duncan.....allthough, im going to have them design a lower output version of it for my OEM

    when you start playing through real amps( i dont count the 5150 as one), youll see the difference....allthough for you and what you play, i dunno, randall?......the 5150 can sound passable if you do a lot of tweaking.....the bias is off on all the tubes and there are some resistors that need to be changed.....but basically its a poor rip off of a soldano.....which is why ed still uses his 67 superlead

  3. you got it backwards scott...its super thick......and aweful dangerous........id wear a full body suit if i could find one that didnt crunch my nuts.....

    anyway, id say youd have to spray it....cuz you build up the coat in about 5 steps......tack coat, then each coat gets heavier until the last coat which is a heavy flow coat......when i paint with it, i do thin it and i apply just enough to cover, but there still is some flow out.....

    its a whole different animal....it took me about 6 frustrating months to get it down

  4. well most of the tone dawgs out there dont consider the peavey stuff when they consider ed's tone......its mostly the up to and around fair warning that they talk about.....his original pick up was just a paf with some extra windings....but he never really cared about his pick ups, just as long as it was a paf style....its a tough concept for younger guys to grasp; the lower output pick up through an cranked amp.....everyone always thinks you need everything on 10 and have the hottest of everyting...but all that does is hide things...let you amp sing , i say!

    oh, do i practice what i preach?????

    no, not all the way.....but, thats cuz im too old to play so loud now

  5. i dont see what the big deal is...leds arent that complicated or expensive...they are $.18 where i get them...besides you dont have to use leds, you can use any light...many to choose from with different covers...shoot, you can even buy them prewired....it wouldnt be that hard to install........$600 is a lot of dough, i wouldnt charge that much...but then, i cant see why anyone would want them in the first place

  6. i think erics argument was with the volts carried in the battery being consistant....if you search the web, youll find where he talks about it...its very annoying

    as for westerman, there is so much involved in hearing and how we percieve things....you can have the same rig hooked up without moving anything have it sound different on 2 different days....its all how we perceive things, how we think we perceive things and what we are used to.....

    i think the people that are never satisfied with their tone have other issues they should worry about.....for me, good amp, an ok guitar and im comfortable with my playing = good tone.....no one has better tone than eddie van halen(or i should say had) and he had the worst piece o crap guitar in the world, but he could play and he had a good amp(which wasnt high output).......less is always more......keep your pickups low and let your amp breathe the way its supposed to

  7. johnson is a tone freak off the scales.....he is very picky about his setup.....and he does claim to tell what batteries are in a pedal by its sound.....which i think is silly.......he doesnt use duracells, he uses an vintage type 9 volt alkaline i think.....go figure

  8. well, i talked to a fellow manufacturer today and asked them about the top mount ferrules.....basically, we couldnt find them because we didnt know what to call them or we called them ferrules which was wrong.......they are called eyelets......if you search for eyelet manufacturers on the web you will find the exact same things everyone uses that uses them......

    obviously, im going to be buying in large quatities, so if you have a hard time finding 6 let me know

  9. sorry guys, im keeping this to myself......its really not an issue of money, i actually only do a few of these each year...i want to keep it special and unique to a brand......its going to be featured a lot in the next few months on a particular brand of guitars making its debut in july......after that, i wont do any refinish jobs with it at all......of course, you can always go to a certain website that claims to specialize in it, however, they do it completely wrong........

    good luck on figuring it out.....i went through this step by step with a professional painter and he still couldnt get it to come out.....if you think you have it figured out, email me with a pic and ill tell ya if its right or where you went wrong.....and maybe give you some hints along the way......but dont email me until youve tried one, and no PMs...those are a nightmare for me on a phone line

  10. nobody ever wants to do a whole guitar in it, or any other color other than black.....the first guitar kramer did in it was actually sea foam green.....and andy timmons had a red background......originally we were going to do this in a white background, which i love.....but wait, this guitar isnt done yet

  11. well, there is a lot more to it than that...if it is indeed lacquer, you need to burn it in if you dont want to see any cracks....first make sure its lacquer by letting a rag soaked in lacquer thinner lay it on the guitar...if after a few minutes it gets tacky, then its lacquer....what you want to do on the chip outs is brush the area with some lacquer thinner to clean and to soften the lacquer so you can melt in the lacquer...after the spot softens drop in some unthinned lacquer....after you get it level and hard, just buff it out

  12. it doesnt matter, whatever way you feel comfortable.......i lay mine flat after i shoot so i can get a nice flow out.....i mainly use polyester paints which require flow out, doing it this way(flat) i can get a perfect coat that doesnt need sanding

  13. well, wayne never painted that for charvel, it was grover jackson that owned charvel then.....i use ppg dbc paint for that one.....i think the number is dbc 83071....but im dyslexic so it could be 81073...one of those is correct, it comes up on the computor as yellow..but youll also need blender

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