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Posts posted by helge

  1. thanks, next time the pickup routings will hopefully get a little cleaner.

    i put it in warm/hot water for a while and then heated it with a hair dryer while bending it down the shaping. i took glue that didn't get hard in a couple of minuten to have more time to go step by step. worked perfect. i hope it stays where it is.

  2. hi, did some more work on the 7 string. the pickup and floyd rose routing didn't come out to good. maybe i'll use mounting rings for the pickups. the back turned out pretty good. now i'll complete the shapings and the neck mouting holes and hopefully can start painting tonight. let me know what you think.



  3. hmm, that doesn't sound too bad, but its a lot of work, too. i wouldn't go fpr the multicore though. i used to have that for the 19" effects and once a cable broke and i could make out which one it is, and after i found out i could replace it in a couple of minutes. i would go for normal cables.

    but i like the rest of the idea. that would be a really cool analog multi-effect.

  4. Hi, does anyone of you have a good idea how to design the stageboard better, then mine is right now?! its way to big, but i can't miss out on anything on there. the board on top are the controls for the 19" effects and the amp channel switch. btw, the cabinet is homebuild also. it has got mesa boogie dimensions but is marshall design. it has 2 chambers, to keep the sound clear and not get muddy in stereo use. the chamber, where i run the clean sounds through is 1/4 open. it sounds better then any other cabinet i've heard before. well, here's the picture. i'm thankful for any advice. thanks.


  5. @fryovanni: i wouldn't have brought it up here, if i had gotten any response to the mails, where i complained about the not existing accuracy. i love the stratocaster templates i have and i will sure love the telecaster templates that i will receive. i just had bad luck and probably got the only 2 messed up templates ever. ronny and i will clear things up per mail now and then hopefully we'll find a way, where everybody is satisfied. that he has to pay for my wood isn't ok. i must have checked the templates before cutting and routing. thats my fault right here.

    i didn't make my own templates, because i always mess something up, thats only really small on the template, but comes out really big on the actual guitar. thats why i wanted those laser cut templates. it just saves a lot of time and money. i also own a stratocaster and bought the templates. i would never get an such accurate pickuproutingtemplate, if i would do it myself.

    finally, please don't take this as a "dont buy from him" thread and keep on supporting him. these are great templates for a fair price.

  6. Hi ronny, i didn't get any replies on the last 2 emails which were send in the past 1 1/2 month. that were the ones, where i added pictures to prove, that the templates aren't ok. well, i just took some new pictures which can be seen here. like i wrote in the email, i don't want to bother you and i have a stratocaster template set, that is really great, but i think when i order templates, that the parts should actually fit to each other and they don't. well, just take a lot at the pictures and let me know what you think.

    here's the link: Template Pics

    and i know, that i should have checked before i routed the body, thats why i said, that i cant do anything about the messed up blank.

  7. Hi, i just wrote the thrid email to info- and sales@guitarbuildingtemplates.com, because at first i received telecaster templates, that were totally messed up and didn't fit at all and then after i complained, i got a new set of templates which actually looked a lot better, but they still aren't ok, because a standard neckplate is to wide, so that it will stick over into the cutaway and the neck is not wide enough, too. i compared it with my fender telecaster and the neck is 4mm thinner. these 4 millimeters are missing i the neck poket area, too. if these were there, the neck plate would fit and everything would be fine. well, i noticed this, after cutting and routing a whole swamp ash body, and now it is messed up. so i complained again, but newer got an answer. so i thought, that i write it down here. maybe somebody knows, how i can get nice templates, w/o ordering new ones. i already spent more than 150$ for these templates including shipping and the messed up body, which was about 70$. thanks for your help.

  8. hi, i put the maple aside and did some work on a 6 string rg copy. it was supposed to have NO aanj and so there was enough wood left to do an aanj for a 7 string guitar. i had the body planned down to 40mm now and put an 5mm ash top on there. weird wood combination, right?!? has anybody ever done this?! it looks really good though. before i did the routings, i took only one picture (see below) most of the routings are done by now, but no pictures taken yet. i hope it will workout good.


  9. hi, today i finished the bass. i had it in the closet for half a year and now the customer wanted it finished. the pickup routing is messed up, because at first he wanted the same at it was and then he wasn't sure which pickup hes going to use. so i just left it the way it is and hes doint the routing himself. well, i'll take more pictures later. here are the first ones i took. enjoy your sunday.



  10. Hi, I will start with my RG 7 String Copy tomorrow. To get the body shape, I took all Ibanez templates from the Download Area and put them together and cut it out the way I liked it the best. So now I have a RG-JEM-Universe-K7. IHere are some specs:

    - RG-Style Body with natural binding

    - 2 Piece Hoduran Mahogani body with flamed Maple top.

    - 5-Piece Neck (Hard Maple and Wenge), Ibanez Headstock

    - Bindigs on neck and headstock, no inlays, wenge on headstock front.

    - Floyd Rose Tremolo

    - Standard schematics, but toggle switch.

    - Pickups are Dimarzio Air Norton and Tone Zone. Don't know, which pickup to put in

    bridge and neck position. HELP PLEASE!!!

    Here's a picture of the maple for the top:


    more pictures, when the rest of the wood arrives tomorrow hopefully.

  11. the neck is ok. it has a bigger dent on the top of the headstock (i guess the bass fell on it) and some scratches on the back. these aren't big though.

    i don't have to paint it. it is for some guy, who saw a body i sold on ebay. he asked me if i could copy a body for him. i thopught it is a great chance to get more people who would like some handbuild guitars, or at least bodies.

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