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Everything posted by AlGeeEater

  1. Mickguard-(idch? )- You're right. I think i'm just getting too hung up on the whole pickup choosing thing. Hell, i'm putting off final decisions on pickups until I actually start working, then i'll decide. Thanks for the advice! Pr3Va1L-I dont really like the jazz pickup(you're talking about Seymour Duncan right?) TenderSurrender-I'll be using "The AlGee-Stock": I'll see if I can get a frontal shot if you would like. The little carve thing closest to the bottom of the picture is going to be carved more(that was my first attempt at that headstock, i've since refined it)
  2. Well, if I was going to go with my original plan(Dimarzio XN2 and Tex-Mex middle and neck) it would end up costing me about 150 bucks. Usually I never spend anymore than 200 also. Too many choices man. I mean, changing pickups in a guitar that isnt going to be very tonal diverse, but this is hard
  3. Well, i'm looking for pretty much the best tonal variety I can find. By using a "shred" humbucker in the bridge, and pretty bluesey/cleaner pickups for the middle and neck single coils I can really get all the styles that I play, you know? I'm still open for suggestions on everything though. I probaly wont update this until New Years day because for New Years ill be at my godparents house. My godfathers a carpenter and i'll be using his band saw to cut out the body and neck and such. Edit:yeah I'll look into them. I've heard good things about them actually.
  4. Do you really want to spend $500 on pickups? Seriously dude, I've heard good things about those pickups, but you can probably get some customs made by Bill and Becky for a lot less coin. You should be saving your money for college, man. All your pennies Welcome back, dude. It was starting to feel a little empty without the Algee and Godin around. Keep updating us on that Kramer, too. ← Yeah good point!! I guess I'm getting a little carried away on the tone aspect huh? Thanks! What happened to Godin? Oh yeah, I sold that Kramer, along with some other parts for cash. This is how it was last time I saw it: It was a test subject for a burst
  5. Well, here's the revised specs anyways. It's changed so much Curtis, over the past months. Bridge: Bare Knuckle Miracle Man Middle: Kinman AVn Blues middle Neck: Kinman AVn Blues neck The pickups are going to run me SOO much money man. Shipping from UK for the bare knuckles, plus them being handwound; and the kinmans are like 200 bucks just for 2 pickups. Anything for tone though. The Kinmans sound AMAZING though, and so do the Bare Knuckles. www.kinman.com www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk Basically, the H-S-S gives me so much tonal variety. Mircale Man in the bridge for my metal/shred tones, and the middle and neck kinmans for my blues and cleans. To die for!! I'll be using a string thru TOM design with 1 vol and 2 tones(maybe) and an electrosocket jack on the side. I'll also be using a quilted maple veneer for the top. Green dyed with a black burst, swwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
  6. Thanks Chris, The inlays are 8mm (5/16"), they are the biggest dots that stewmac sells. I guess they are a bit big for the upper party of the fretboard (past 12th). As for the knob placement, do you mean the switch? because the knobs are placed in a fairly standard way. I admit the switch is a bit far from the knobs but no biggy... Btw, are you really an algee enthusiast? Araz ← Ah, that's what I thought. I actually think it loooks cool. It's different from the standard 6.5mm dots, or whatever size they are. Yes, I meant the switch placement, sorry about that. The knobs are fine, just a brain fart when I was typing. Yes, I'm a HUGE algee enthusiast. It tastes so wonderful
  7. Wow, that looks really nice! The fretboard inlays look so big though, what size are they? Also the knob placement is a little wierd, any comments on that? Awesome job man, congrats on it! Chris
  8. Thanks, Curtis. Yeah, I threw a hissy-fit and flipped out. I really shouldnt have, but I got REALLY pissed. I've matured a lot, and realized I was wrong for what I did. I've cooled down now and just wanted to come back here. Oh well, ya live and learn!
  9. Well hey guys, i'm back. I've decided to come back here after throwing a stupid immature sissy fit. How has everyone been lately? Anyways, here's the project so far. I've FINALLY gotten all the wood. Carvin left me hangin for a while on the body blank. I'm now just waiting on my template from Ronny at GuitarBuildingTemplates. I can't wait for it to come in. See ya later.
  10. Why can't you carry it onboard with you?
  11. I'm not picking any fights. I didn't even start a fight. Where do you get the nerve to say that? ← Don't act so innocent, what do you call this? Man he just posted a some pics of his guitar you were all over him about some old stuff.. I see absolutely nothing wrong about this post before you came along, because that pissed him off. So yeah, I call that picking a fight OK back to topic now or close this thread! ← Don't act like a mod, you arent. I'll leave it at that. Mind your OWN buisness! I'm glad you call it as you see it, but that's not really what happened. He could have simply ignored what I said, but decided to retaliate. See ya's! I'm done arguing over useless crap!
  12. I REALLY hope you are kidding me dude. An WHO is starting fights Alex? Why don't you, Dino, read rule number 3!! Good job, hypocrite! Thanks, I havent gotten started because of funds and school EDITTED. Atleast I can do better than paint a bunch of copy guitars. EDITTED this EDITTED place. See ya'll later!
  13. I'm not picking any fights. I didn't even start a fight. Where do you get the nerve to say that?
  14. To the person who wrote the above quote ... what gives? I simply posted pics of my latest project and thanked those who took the time to visit the thread and view my pictures. If you rather not "go thru THAT again", why post the link? And just WHY would you remember such a thread that occured over six months ago and feel compelled to do a search to find it and post it? Do you still think I'm out to "pimp my book"? I really find that amusing considering the fact that it's not even MY book. I haven't posted on this site in over six months. Why? Because there are certain individuals on this site who THINK they know it all, have a horrible attitude, and like to criticize others who have worked hard on their projects. You don't like the guitar? Fine ... close the thread and move on. Are there really that many mothers out there who forgot to teach their children "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all"? You don't like a factory finish? That's fine ... but doesn't this site provide enough bandwidth for you to be able to start your own thread and post pictures of your beat-up guitar elsewhere? You don't like necks with 21 frets? You don't like the headstock? Cool ... again, close the thread and move on. Many of you really seem to enjoy putting down the work of others for whatever reason and I'm really not sure why. I belong to many forums, and this seems to be the only one that carries on with this format. How people are able to learn and share ideas in such a hostile, unwelcome environment is beyond me. ← I posted that so the new members wouldnt get sucked in again like your last thread. I am looking out for you, dude. Take a chill pill. I didnt do a search. I clicked your name and found the three threads you created. It took me 10 seconds. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I didn't try that hard to "corrupt" you I never said anything negative. I said I liked it. Seems you forgot about that and focused on what I said after that. Nobody said they liked the "factory" finish. Hell, i've gotten better results with rattle cans than you, but I still gave up on them. It's not a factory finish. It's a shiny rattle can finish. YOU have the ego here man. You think your work is so great, and because people put you down they are wrong. You know, in life you are going to face people that don't like your work, get used to it. You can't b*tch about it and expect people to start to like it. I'm not going to repeat what Perry said, cause he said it well but this is a public forum. Nobody is flaming you, using derogatory remarks or using explicit/fowl language Can you PLEASE stop trying to get people to like your work, FFS. Not everyone will like what you do! I'm done arguing. This thread is invisible to me. Say what you wan't but the fact remains you are an egomaniac. Sorry to break it to you. If people don't like your work or try and bring you down, ignore them. Seems people on other forums have boosted your ego, and you expect EVERYONE to love what you do. I never said it didnt look, I just suggested you don't pimp your book.
  15. Hasa, I use Solid Works 2004... ...It's not free, nor cheap. You could probaly find it on the internet somewhere though . It's got a little learning curve to it, but it's fun, easy, 3D and overall a cool tool. I love it!
  16. It looks good, I just hope you arent back to pimp your book again. You also said you weren't going to come back here anymore. What happened? Let's not go thru that again http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...opic=15656&st=0
  17. Thanks for all of the responses while I was out of town guys. I really appreciate what you have to say about this. Matt-Yeah that was my main argument. It's never going to dry offering pretty much 0 protection to the wood. Thanks for linking the thread over. I planned on doing that as soon as I got back. I also posted the bad advice pic too With "advice" like that he is "giving" he can lead some people to a lot of very poor results using the motor oil method. Doc-That's pretty much what I would expect someone to do, coat it with shellac or lacquer or something. Thing is, this guy is doing just plain tranny oil with nothing over top. Thanks for that info too
  18. Uhh, I posted the link to the pics WITH the oil he used, the specific brand he used and what he said..
  19. LOL. I wonder what that tag says behind the guitar. Sounds like he may have borrowed a guitar from a music store and took pics of it next to the can of oil Here's some more: http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/3296/dsc000647is.jpg http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/6841/dsc000652go.jpg http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/1097/dsc000633pe.jpg Look's kinda cheap and probaly offers 0 protection to the wood. See that light spot in the second spot? That's the wood soaking up the oil. Who the hell want's to recoat there guitar with freakin tranny oil every weekend? Not me!
  20. And the results are in... http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/2513/dsc000618ln.jpg (sorry had to make it a link) It doesnt really look THAT great, and I would rather use tru-oil than transmission oil. Seriously, what's tranny oil got over tru oil, nothing?
  21. Either that, or he's knows something none of us know about yet! But somehow, I doubt it. ← Well, if he doesnt magically disappear from the board without posting pics then we'll know!
  22. Waterproof at most. I assume this guy has NO idea what he's talking about then? I asked for pics too.
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