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Posts posted by Kevan

  1. Good ideas, guys!

    The Test Area is really good one. Posts/threads can be deleted whenever Admin or Mods get the chance. Nice call.

    I like the tool list alot. And if something needs to be added, you can just edit your post. New tools come out all the time, so it'd be nice to keep current. Maybe a pinned topic where folks can list their own tools.....and edit the original post when Craftsman has a sale. :-) We can work on this one more to get it smooth and readable.

    Doc- you wanna start on this, and we'll use yours as a working model?

  2. question.

    so far, i have been totally for everything you've talked about as to what is changing and how and why and whatnot, but i'm having trouble remembering what is going to happen. so if you could possibly drop in a list as to what is going on, that'd be neat.

    from what i can tell:

    rant section = gone.

    off-topics = stays.

    post-count = gone.

    stricter enforcement of rules

    less tolerance of stupid people (i mean that in the nicest way, btw. just putting it plainly).

    no more pics in sigs.

    You've pretty much got it, except it should be "MUCH stricter enforcement of the rules." :-) The previous 10 pages in this thread were to get the shock out of the system, let those who felt the need to call me a "jagoff", or a "hitler with a keyboard" type it out, let the goofballs blow their little fuses, and give the veteran members a heads-up about the changes comin' their way.

    The formal list will look much like yours. It will get posted in the Announcments section as soon as Brian gets back up online. NOTE: Hurricanes not only suck, but they blow.

    "It's not *that* the wind is blowin'....it's *WHAT* the wind is blowin'." - Ron White

    as for those last two, if you could clarify a little bit as to what the tolerance levels will end up being (i know it's still under discussion, but possibly a ball-park figure). i'm assuming language, stupid/pointless posts, and asking a question after it's already been asked, but there might be more?

    You're on the right track. I'll have more specifics as the days go by and Brian and I have more time to talk (and he's not running on battery power). One of the big things will be the Search Before You Post A New Thread. This one is really important, and we're gonna have to ask the long-timers if they can lend a hand linking to previous threads. We've read a lot of the threads, but probably not all of them. A post from you linking to the old thread, then a quick PM or email to Bri, Me or Wes, and we can get it all sewn up. More than likely, the locked repeat thread will stay closed for a day or two (a week?), then removed entirely. It's the best way to get as much information as possible, into one place/thread/topic. 11 threads about side dot inlay material is a little crazy.

    The stuff showing up in Off-Topic is still pretty wide open. Keep the language clean, keep it respectful of others, and there shouldn't be any problems. Let's keep the politics and religion really low, and I think we can have a good time in there.

    Brian and I might come up with a few more pointers, but your list is pretty comprehensive so far.

    thanks for the help kevan, and i really mean it. i've been kinda put off by this site lately 'cause it's been hard to find any good information without digging too much, and in all honesty, the quality of my projects has diminished slightly because of it. so i see similar movements between me and this site. therefore cleaner = better for me.

    You're very welcome. Glad to see you hangin' around, and I'm happy to hear your projects are improving. Keep up the good work.

  3. I like what I'm reading... One question thought, they only way to attain the advance supporter badge will be by donating?  This discussion created a lot of turmoil on the last few days but I think it was for good.  the Mods have been posting the changes, we have been agreeing, and bringing the issues that might bring problems and you have been keeping up to suggestions... this is great,.

    On the post #, I'm glad, because I used to look at them to "rate" the advise given to me the 1st few months after I joined, but then I notices guys just joined and within a month or less are already at 400??? my God! So far I have learned who to asked, and what to listen.

    This is one of the many reasons the Post Count is going away.

    Anyone remember the "green dot" fiasco on that other site? Ugh...

    Kevan... have you considered my suggestion about pinning the Rules after modifying then on the announcement area... then everybody will post there as in recognition to them. As part of the registration process

    Yeah. Gotta wait for Brian on that one. I want to see what he thinks about it. I got an IM from him today that his hair is finally dry, but they're still on battery power.

    Give us some time to implement these changes, but those that you can do yourself, PLEASE feel free to get them going. Thanks.

  4. Yes- it's from Clerks.

    All changes will be announced, when they happen, in the Announcements section.

    Kinda cool how that works out.

    i know i missed out on the point of it, but i was highlighting another-if no newbies are allowed in, then they arent going to learn.

    i think off topic area should sstay, but i wont miss the rant section.

    can guitar war/peace be moved into players corner?

    No one is banning newbies.

    No one is saying that newbies shouldn't ask questions.

    We are, however, asking newbies to run a Search before posting.

    If that's asking too much, then maybe they're at the wrong site.

    i like guitar peace.

    wes. you should record some rhythm guitar down..dont worry.  im not talking about the wrong thign in the wrong place, il stop now...its just that the actual place is closed, so i've no alternative.

    You do have an alternative. Actually two:

    1. Try checking out the rest of the Internet.

    2. Don't post.

  5. i think cleanin up a bit is a good idea, but your taking this overboard.

    I mean, getting rid of rant section is one thing. (one bad one i may add)

    but resetting posts, banning members cause they say the wrong thing, all of that is just dumb as hell *i suspose im allowed to say hell, or are you going to "send me on a vacation"*

    one of the reasons so many people come here, is because its a place where you can just let loose and talk about your guitar woes, and how to fix them. If we all wanted a mother/father figure standing over us ready to spray some soppy water in our mouths, we would go over to the MIMF.

    Do I *really* need to make a list of acceptable language? Please don't make me. You guys are old enough, and smart enough, to realize what is acceptable.

    How about this: Imagine you're posting to your grandmother. That's your limit.

    See below for the answer about the "resetting post count" thing.

    this doesnt have to be a place where we can let loose... do you konw how many nonsense forums there are where people can post whatever they want? hell is one thing, but "you f*cking f*cker" is annother... i agree with kevan and the rest of em, we dont need it, this forum should be able strictly guitar building... im wondering if we even need an off-topic section.

    Well, not *strictly* about guitar building, but that should be our focus. We're not "badjokes.com" or "natashahenstridge.com" so we'll let them focus on those, and we'll try to keep our train on track with guitar stuff.

    Pssssst.....16.5 days left on your sig. :-)

    off topic sections are great in my opinion...i have even seen brian using it quite a bit...i think it helps us get to know one another and makes us a guitar building COMMUNITY rather than just a collection of people

    The Off-Topic section will remain open, and I'd like to keep it around. Sometimes It's not all-guitar stuff that folks are into, esp. on a forum dedicated to those finding new and better ways to do things. I might ask if someone knows where I can find hubcaps for a '72 Pinto hatchback...and, what do you know, Drak happens to have a brother-in-law who runs a hubcap shop in Lexington. Score! (note: I don't know Drak's brother-in-law, or if he owns a hubcap shop anywhere. I was simply using it as an quick example.)

    I never would have seen Matrix if it weren't for an off-topics section on a guitar-based forum.

    kevan can correct me if i am wrong but i think he is talking about getting rid of post counts altogether,rather than resetting them at zero....


    As stated earlier in this thread, we're considering "specialist titles" for people. This will go in place of the post count.

    Sorry, but there's no voting on this one.

  6. ...and by the way, wes doesnt loose any posts (if im not mistaken) when you delete a thread, its the same as deleting a post, you dont loose anything, and if anything got lost Brian or someone could give wes his several hundred thousand posts.

    Post count is about to go bye-bye. Soon, everyone will be at zero.

    Kevan, thanks for cleaning the site up, far too many pointless posts in tutorial or pictorial threads. also that rant section i think would give a bad impression to anyone who visits and decides to check it out. perhaps make it available to download so all the precious (repeated, tedious) jokes and retorts can be saved.

    You're welcome, Mike.

    We're trying to change our image, a little, for the better! Think of it as an episode of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy..online. The grunge era is over (sorry Nickelback), and we're gonna start wearing clean socks.

    what are the rules for idiot posting? i mean, whats the penalty for being a dork and saying something like "tits" in the middle of a pictorial or something... you know who you are. this is irritating when its a fantastic pictorial,  but gets degraded with stupid kiddie posting. i did use the report button, but i dont think it works. any news on that?

    I'm gonna talk to Bri about getting the Rant section burned to CD or to a ZIP so folks can have it on their own computer.

    If the member feels the need to blurt something out, or completely hijack a thread, they'll get one warning in the thread and via PM (I don't want to hear any bitching about 'I didn't see your warning'), and if they violate the rules again, they're on a cruise.

    Two strikes and you're out.

    I'll check into the Report button not working. In the meantime, you can PM or email any of the Mods, Brian or myself. You can easily find any of us by clicking the "Members" icon at the top of every page, and selecting "Showing.....Admin" or search for Kevan, Brian, Wes, Simon, etc. in the Member list. Pretty painless.

    This is a forum for teaching.


    If it was filled with pros completely, you wouldn't be teaching anyone new how to build guitars.


    If you stop teaching, you stop learning yourself.

    I've seen TONS of pros out there online helping other pros out, on this Forum and others. Yes, some pros are guarded in what they put out online, but I would venture to guess that about 95% of them are willing to help out the new generation of luthiers, as well as the established ones.

    Thanks Jehle. I'll be looking for your help in spotting rouge threads. :-)

  7. If I want to laugh, I'll go to www.drummerjokes.com. Keeps me in tears for hours.


    Don't worry Drak- there will be plenty of character on the site, even in the legit threads.

    Just wait until you guys see the pics of the original prototypes for the Tremol-No. I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it......"Is that a door hinge that you Dremel'd down?"..."Holy crap! Is that plastic?!?!"...LOL

    Just a little less screwing off and a little more posting of real information. I don't think it's that big of a request....esp. considering the site and forum name.


  8. From here and on in that thread, and the bad advice thread. Sometimes the most helpful thing hurts, but a mature human can accept criticism, even if they pussyfoot around for a few weeks.

    I see NO negativity in that thread, except from you....being insanely defensive (pages 8 thru 10) and telling people to STFU...and then the rest of the thread is folks offering constructive criticism of your on-going projects, and a ton of helpful hints tossed in.

    If you see it as a 'breakthru', hey...great.

    What it *isn't* is you learning something via negativity.

    This topic is now so far off-topic it's not funny. Let's just end this here and say "Be positive, offer constructive criticism, or don't post anything at all".


    All further posts in this thread that are off-topic will be deleted.

  9. Smitty- that wasn't a double post. It was two separate posts with 2 minutes between them.

    If you're within 5 minutes of your last post, just edit your first one. Esp. if it's only 3 or 4 words to add. You're wasting screentime, scroll time and our time with (2) three-word posts back to back.

    im thinking, we should change the default options in the search to automatically search for all posts and newer not the 30 days and newer that it is right now.

    also i think all the tutorial sections should have the default as display all threads and newer, not (again) the 30 days and newer

    This is a great idea. When Brian dries off and fixes his hair from the hurricane currently blowing thru his neighborhood, we'll get on that.

    Hey, Kevan (and Brian too), I just thought I owed you guys an apology. At first this whole reworking seemed a little Orwell/Ashcroftian, but I definitely see where you guys are coming from now that the changes have started to take effect.
    No apology needed. I understand it's all a little scary at first. I'm glad you're OK with the coming changes. Is there still snow on Mt. Robson? Is Bertuzzi out of jail yet? :-)

    I still was wondering why you guys leave the rant section viewable if you won't let people post in it. Seems like that doesn't really have the effect you were looking for, if new members to whom we want to seem respectable can read what current members posted in there, even if it was a month ago. I'd hate to see the content of the slam thread lost, as it contains some of the best "quotables" I've ever seen, but I'd put in a vote for either hiding it entirely (for now at least) or reopening it to the masses. Just one thought. I'd love to see this forum more professional and respectable, but I think that could coexist with a slam thread; and if the consensus is that these two things cannot peacefully coexist, it seems to make little sense to still leave it up anyway (as long as the content can be archived somewhere; I volunteer my harddrive if necessary!)

    Just another thought to be presented to the masses.

    The Rant Section remains read-only because there is, in a few rare threads, some decent info in there. If you liked some of the slams, cool. Copy and paste....onto A DIFFERENT site. :-) We haven't made a final decision on whether to leave it, or totally pull it offline and burn it to CD. We'll let you guys know what happens.

    I find it impossible to go back and forth from a thread about a project- "Hey man- that inlay is SWEET!" to a slam thread where you tell the same guy- "It looks like a spam, only smaller." That makes absolutely no sense. Slams are gone. I hope you all enjoyed them.

    Have you ever seen a slam thread on a truly professional site? Me neither.

    Mod have you seen the threads on the last day?  I think that all the discussion in here have caused that all the inmature kids started cursing and acting silly, and then come up with ,  "shut up or  I call Kevan!"  I think that there are a lot of leave days saved and that some people got use or loose days and need to take them!  What's the deal?  This has gone from the best guitar luthiers thread to a kindergarden or daycare center for baby luthiers!  I guess until some people get forced vacations and that gets anounced they won't stop posting crap coments... Or I guess that Im too old and ain't got no sense of comedy anymore.
    I've seen a couple of them Maiden, and so has Wes. We will be dealing with it in an appropriate manner, and in accordance with the rules that every member here has agreed to.

    Views from the bench aren't that far away. You know who you are.

  10. This may be a stupid idea but I'll throw it out anyway.

    As new folks go to sign up they come to the page with the forum rules that they must agree to. Face it, few read them. After that page have another page with an extra big headline stating "I agree to use the search function" and have a few simple hints on how to use it effectively.

    This won't stop the endless "how do I" threads but it might reduce them a bit. If it's put in their faces at the door there might be a better chance that some will be aware of the info available.

    An FAQ page with most of the basic newbie questions answered might not be too bad an idea but that means more work for the already overloaded mods.

    When entering the site, there seems to be an abridged rule set, followed directly by the full rules, which never seemed to make sense to me. Perhaps what would make more sense is just a basic "newb primer" page instead of the abridged rules, with things like "Before you post, remember to use the search feature in the top right corner of the screen", and a link at the bottom to the full rules, as well as a link to the forum itself?

    Not a pressing issue, just something that's always irked me a little.

    Great ideas guys. I like it.

    It should help with the "how do I" threads.

    The best asset we have here are members. More to the point, veteran members. You guys have read all the posts, in every thread. If you see a repeat and know where the original is, go ahead and post a link to the original thread. "Hey- he's asking about radius sanding blocks....that was in my thread over here...and in Drak's thread in the Tools section...". I'm not saying you *must* do that, but if you get the urge, and know off the top of your head where the stuff is, go for it.

    If you want, you can contact an Admin or Mod and we'll move or lock the repeat thread. I don't think any of us would take offense or say you're playing "Junior Moderator". With a Forum this size, with this much info, any and all help is appreiciated.

    By posting a link to the original, you're not only helping us out, but you're helping the new guys out in a couple of ways: you're showing them where the BIG pile of information is, showing them that this is a cool place to hang where people help each other, and how they should conduct themselves when they become veteran members.

    Input on how to make this Forum better is great. We like it. We may not impliment *all* the ideas, but we'll definitely put it on the table for discussion.

    And for the record, you guys are already kicking ass. I used to come here and 'Check New Posts' once a day. I'd get 6 pages on average. 4 of those pages were Off-Topic or Rant.

    As of this morning, I've only got 2 pages to go through...and only a few topics in Off-Topic (maybe 5; I didn't actually count).

    So far, so great. Thanks!

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