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David A.

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Everything posted by David A.

  1. Thanks for the support guys. I am a member of ampge, and frequent the forum there. SK is gone right now on military duty and the forum over there is rather quite. So I thought I would branch out and see what other guitar guys thought about my questions. I was able to talk to Jason Lollar a little yesterday about this. He said that it is imparitive to have a "good" gaussmeter at point. Because mag strength has so much to do with tone. And the impression I got from him was that Alnico mags may not have the tighest of manufacture tolerences. So testing the strength of every mag is important to get consistant tone. The other thing he mentioned was winding the coils unevenly. I have done this on several occasions and it sounds good. But I have not had a chance to AB pups one even and one uneven so it looks like I get to do a bit more R&D. The last thing he said was that almost everything in the pup made out of metal contributes to tone, so I need to change one thing at a time and see what happens...ie pole pieces, base plate, cover, slugs, spacer bar. At this point I have to get a gaussmeter and start back in on my R&D. I will let you guys know what happens. Thanks a lot. David A.
  2. Hello, everybody, I am brand new to this site, and I am glad to see this discusion taking place. I have been winding pups since about January and have had some good luck so far. I am not trying to reinvent the wheel, simply make pups that I like the sound of. I have a question, I have just wound a bridge HB, using 42 AWG, an A5 mag, to a resistance of 8.25K, with a chrome cover and wax potted it. This pup sounds good but it is a little too bright. It seems to have a hump in the hi-mids, this makes it sound very present and cut through the mix nicely but it is just a little much for my ears. I know I could go to an A2 and that would warm it up a bit but at the same time I have heard many pups with practictly the same construction that are warmer than I like. I want to find that middle ground. So, are there things like winding tension, pole piece material, base plate material and so on that would make a significant change in the hi-mids especially? Thanks, and I look forward to your replies
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