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About joeydahlia

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  1. hold on let me look oh yes here it is... Pod Xt... JoeyDahlia
  2. Just wondering if you guys would ever make the change? and why not?? I love Xt... JoeyDahlia
  3. hahahahaha!! ok well I am entering my 4th year next month..so I am just starting out...lol hehehe JoeyDahlia
  4. Numetal is the same as old metal ,leaving out lead guitar and beautiful vocals...lol Well thats why there are no numetal guitar gods...lol JoeyDahlia
  5. I am 38 I played for 3 years in the 80's and I am about to start my 4th year next month.. I guess you could say 7 total... JoeyDahlia
  6. Well I am in my 3rd year still... So to me NuMetal..is more old school now..I think it was tried to be thrown out the window but I don't think it worked.. lol Lead guitar is unreal.. JoeyDahlia
  7. check it out! I just finished it,It's called Uncle Willie... what ya think? JoeyDahlia
  8. well this last year I had to fine tune my story..so I did research on my own life.. My best friend in late 87 asked me to play guitar 10 months later,I was kicked out of the band and malmsteen punched me right in the face.. So I asked God to let me hammer like Malmsteen with tears in my eye My best friend turned on me so I bought a 4 trac sitting on the floor I did this.. I am 19, some say the speed of these scales are the fastest of any musician ever..and not just guitar players No matter what is said this is me at 10 months...in Late 80's JoeyDahlia
  9. this made me smile.i will have to use that somewhere. joey...you should listen to lovekraft and lgm...you really are a bit hard to take.i don't mean this as a slam,but you are not worth talking to when you say these "war to bring back guitar" things. there is no war.the only thing stopping you from being famous is that your songs are not proffesional quality.your tecnique is very sloppy....that's where all that background noise comes from in your clip. but i have to keep it real..i really don't believe all of the claims you make. i don't believe that you have only been playing guitar for four years,or even eight years...not because your skills amaze me or anything,just because i don't believe a man can pick up the guitar in his forties(or even thirties) for the first time and be able to learn to play,even at a sloppy shred level in four years.... maybe you played piano,maybe you played the banjo...maybe you have really been playing the guitar since you were 14 and you think that lying about it will make people buy your stuff. by the way...why quote people such as "steve from sam ash" and "rob from the local bar" on your site to puff your self up? Nathan from across town told me "you can play anything you want,can't you?" once...but i didn't have it made into a bumper sticker to sell at the local guitar center. ← Yes I can't really proove how long I have been playing,But 4 years ago I did not own a guitar and had no music ,no site ,nothing... I was playing acoustic guitar for a few months ,9-11-01 happens bamn I start writing music..thats the only way it is..believe it or not..go on the net ,find anything I have done before 9-11-01, I will give all my gear to you and quit playing guitar...15,000.00 in gear...good luck!! you got some work to do, get bizy... print this out save it... JoeyDahlia JoeyDahlia
  10. See, Joey, this is why people have trouble with you - they can't get past those delusions of grandeur, with a side of paranoia. I mean, seriously, rubber swords?!?? How rational does that sound? You are obviously a fairly talented and intelligent human being, and it might be worthwhile to know you, but nobody's going to make the effort so long as you come off like Todd the Guitar God. Regardless of how good-natured your responses are, they always seem to draw flak - why deliberately repeat a pattern that has proved disastrous everywhere else? If you check your Spandex® at the door and ramp down the persecution complex a wee bit, you might just have some fun around here. And keep posting clips (preferably with minimal commentary - let us be the judge for a change ) - Wicked Winds may not be perfect, but I for one enjoyed hearing it. ← Well if the blades are rubber and the knives are rubber and I dont fight back..than the war is harmless..They make fun of me and try to bring me down ,when they could be playing guitar .Most players do pat me on the back, but some wont and will pee on my grave.. Glad you liked my toon thanks for your time.. Joey Dahlia
  11. Well this is my very first metal song,I never played rhythm until the past few months.. I also seen a quote from me looking for an endorsement saying"noone will ever play guitar like me" that was me talking 3 years ago,yes that was not right but look how I felt about guitar even in my first year...2001-02.I dont do that anymore,but thats really not that bad..just very confident.. Call it ego, I call it HEART..... Joey Dahlia
  12. I think Slayer is thrash,For the most part is I am not a metal player and it's hard for some to understand 4 years is just not long enough to play guitar,I say hogwash...lol 4 years is forever... JoeyDahlia
  13. Man.... sometimes I get sick of the bashing! Give the guy a break already. His playing isn't really that bad, and I haven't heard anything of yours. On those Jemsite threads, there were only 3 or 4 people that put their music up. Why is that? Most likely cause the rest of the people suck nuts and just try to please the rest of the insert guitar god name wannabes. I don't really see that much of an ego problem either. I see a guy that has big enough nuts to put his stuff out there and have the s#%t kicked out of him for it. The Leviathan guitars you make are your pride and joy, and I'm sure you knock other companies products to sell more of yours. It's called business. He has a video lesson thing-a-ma-jiggy that he's pushing. He can't go in and say "I suck, let me teach you". It isn't ego, it's business. If I said your Leviathons are nothing more than glorified Ibanez's, you'd try to prove me wrong. Why? Because you created it and it's your baby. His playing is his baby. Let him have it. If you don't like his playing... don't listen to it. If you don't like his "ego".... don't go to his website or read his threads. It's a pretty simple concept. I was once offered a job teaching guitar at a local store. I told the owner I wasn't good enough to teach guitar. He said to me "If you're better than a beginner, you can teach a beginner." Wise words. He's better than a lot of guitarists that post clips on this site, and they all call themselves guitarists and talk the talk and people leave them alone. You can't honestly say you have never been a cocky guitarist. I've never met a guitarist that wasn't cocky. I grew up in a small town and as funny as it is, I was THE guitarist. I played in almost everyones bands and was the local session player. I had an ego the size of Texas. I had only been playing 4 years. Kind of ironic. Well... I don't count the 2 years I played before I got my first electic. Kinda like he doesn't count the 3 years he played before giving it up. Anyway, I've been playing 16 years now, and I listen to that old stuff and hide my head in shame. I sucked. Sometimes it just takes a while to realize. But now I kick ass and shred with the best of em'! Keep this in mind.... "In music, the ones that break the rules are the ones that have staying power." Keep it up Joey, and just keep practicing. Jesus loves you man! ← WOW, what can I say? In this war to bring back guitar music there are players I don't have to worry about,stabbing me in the back when I am not looking..This guy is 1 of them. It's a war within the war now you have to watch your back also,even though it's just music ,some guitar players will cut you down so fast,I must warn you their swords are 6 feet long and their knives are 3 feet long..they are much to strong for us.. This is where my beliefe in God comes in,He tells me they are just rubber and cant hurt me.. lol Thanks for the kind words.. JoeyDahlia
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