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Posts posted by supplebanana

  1. B) Yes, and seeing as Wes is here, you'll want to extend that caution to include the livestock.

    run away! run away! (monty python quote) LOL, If anyone is good enough to make a projects guitar out of livestock, I'll donate a chicken:)

    there's a guy on ebay selling scratchplates made out of leather, there's also bone nuts, hide glue, buffalo horn for acoustic bridges, horse hair is used in brushes, guitar strings used to be made from cat-gut, so the livestock may just come in useful! B)

    as for the chicken - i'll take some of it's bones and my rabbits foot down to the crossroads & maybe I'll become a better player....... :D:D

  2. I made some edits adding pics this AM. I gotta learn how to take a decent picture so I can better document my builds.

    I stand on :D , I mean, I stand behind my woodwork :D


    Thanks again for the welcome.


    Now don't try this at home children - Josh is a professional & has practised for many hours to perfect his technique.

    All I can say about this shot is that even if your build can stand up to the pressure, one slip & its gonna be mighty painful - in the pocket too!! coz we wouldn't want that amp to land on those guitars now, would we?

    either way looks like mighty fine work!

  3. true Artisan's - suffering for your art... and boy do you guys create art!

    I'm very lucky that I don't suffer from any allergies (that I know of!) but with anything you can become sensitised ANYTIME! I used to work for a Pharmaceutical company & there was a guy who'd worked in the same dept for 20+years (making antibiotics), after 6 months secondment to another dept he came back & within 5 mins of walking thru the door he was laid on the floor purple & screaming. he had become sensitised to the antibiotics during the 20 years that he'd worked there. meant he had to permanently transfer & then never be able to take Ceph based a/b's again!

    my wife is allergic to Nickel, Pork, Cola nut, duck, egg white & turkey!!! except the nickel, the rest deveoloped in the space of weeks. the lab that tested her said the allergies could disappear as quick as they started.

    the human body is a complicated but strange machine

    get well soon - i want to see this one progressing!!! lol

  4. It looks like he's using the speedloader thingers from EMG

    yeah that's what I thought but will there be enough travel on the fine tuners to tune it properly?

    I don't know how this system is supposed to work - (but as to your post before you edited it (I caught it lol!) there doesn't look like there's room on the h/s for tuners)

  5. my opinion? either - just remember that the MOP/Shell will crack if too much pressure is put on it from the fret tang so you'll have to make the gap wider than the tang & it will require the fret to be glued in place.

    But jahnj1 is also correct that using two separate pieces can be more efficient on material. but if you want to use a single piece there's nothing stopping you as long as you slot it correctly

  6. someone needs a slap in the gibo factory for their quality control, the frets were awfull :D & the fret board had some realy bad tear out on the surface, i mean bad enough that I would have spent a while re-radiusing it to get rid of them or just used another one.

    I ran a diamond file over the frets thinking it would just be one or two that were messing it up, But there were about 10 that needed attention. So I did a fret level & dress on it for him, Couldent let him play a Les Paul like that.

    I tell you man, Gibson are the pinacle of guitar building for me, Les Pauls are the pick of the bunch. My Opinion anyway. But this is not the first one like this I have seen new from the factory, Realy tiks me off you know. Like getting a new Ducati that handeled like crap of a harley that was a rough ride.

    you wouldn't believe how many times i've heard this about Gibsons..... :D

  7. well its been a long time!! iv been getting other things sorted and waiting for the weather to calm down enough to get this finished. i should be able to finally get the last few coats sprayed this week some time.

    after what happened in japan at the weekend, i thought it would be a nice thing to do if i got this finished and auctioned it off in aide of the disaster. i cant afford to buy all the parts i need to finish it so im begging various people to help me get it done. so far tim mills at bare knuckle has agreed to donate a set of pickups. iv never done anything like this before so im going to have to do a bit of research about the best way to get the most money i can for it. hmmm...celebrities always bump prices up a bit - anyone know any? hehe

    contact your local radio/tv/press get them to run a story on it (free advertising never hurts!)

    look for local Sports dinners too - then contact the organisers to see if they're interested in running an auction - there may be rich footballers/boxers etc there. you know the sort with loads of spare cash sitting round.

    or an other idea - contact MTV/VH1/Kerrang - they may even consider an auction at one of their awards nights.... lots of rich musicians there who would appreciate your workmanship (then you could also say that they'd bought one of your guitars..lol - major kudos!)

    just a few ideas

  8. still ongoing...lol.... life has kinda got in the way over the last few months...

    since my last update i've got the fretboard on, headstock thicknessed, fretboard slotted & mostly radiused (just this last week), template made for the scratchplate.

    but also the kids bust my digi camera when we were in Florida last November too so I'm reluctant to do much without being able to document it (for posterity..lol), I've also had a pretty bad chest infection that needed antibiotics AND steroids to shift - this floored me for best part of a month too (rosewood dust & chest infections = :D )

    also faced potential redundancy at work - that was another month of uncertainty - but I managed to survive the cut, this tho' has resulted in a greater workload at work.

    I've decided also to put a veneer on the front of the headstock to match the body but I've had problems finding a matching piece. a guy I've just ordered some other veneer off has said that he thinks he has some that may match & said if he can find it he'll throw it in with my order ( :D )

    I'll see if I can find my old digi cam & shoot some piccies up...

  9. colour pictures would be nice though!

    Melvyn visits this site occasionally..... after your suggestion it looks like Issue 3 might be on the way..... damn - looks like I'm gonna have to fork out for a 3RD copy.... DAMN YOU WEZ!!!! :D (lol) :D

    let me just say this.... i managed to build a guitar WITHOUT the book, before the internet - only because I'd done woodwork at school so I knew how to use handtools(all I had!) AND I played, set-up & repaired guitars for about 3 or 4 years beforehand - so I knew all about the mechanics of a guitar - it played, but it was still a dog. I soooooo wish I had access then to all the resources available now and i'm pretty damn sure if I'd access to THAT DAMNED BOOK I wouldn't have made as many DAMNED mistakes as I did.

    i'm not a religeous person - far from it.... but this book IS THE BIBLE when it comes to guitar building. I'd rather have it & not need it than need it & not have it..... nuff said.

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