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Posts posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. well I've made my mind up about the wood for the body it will be a pice of realy figerd lacewood down the center with flamed maple fins on each side. but the neck is still wide open and waiting for ideas!! I was thinking purpleheart but iam not sure if that will go well with the body wood's and iam worred about it being way to neck heavy unless I can find a way to place the strap buttons so that it dose not mater. :D


    !!METAL MATT!! B)

  2. Hey man that sounds like my kind of guitar I love purpleheart an its my signature

    wood and I only build 7-string guitars and every one has purpleheart

    [iN,ON,OR THROUGH IT] purpleheart has a great deep tone and sustain and that totally go's well with the 7-string sound but a word of waring purpleheart is very hard and very dence and very heavy and will dull the sharpest of tool's and it's not the cheapest wood out there but if your mind is set on it go for it. I would love to see some pics when your done and hey welcome to the forum!! have fun and good luck. B)

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  3. great design but dont call it the monster its a rubbish name (And precisely what I was planning to call a 7 string project that I am doin  ) I agree with true russian though, with the centre strings tuner being in the centre of the headstock thing (I know what I mean) Did a 5 string bass like that and it looked pretty sweet

    Hey demon do you have any pics of that 5-string bass it might help to give me an idea or two!! :D


    !!METAL MATT!! B)

  4. great design but dont call it the monster its a rubbish name (And precisely what I was planning to call a 7 string project that I am doin  ) I agree with true russian though, with the centre strings tuner being in the centre of the headstock thing (I know what I mean) Did a 5 string bass like that and it looked pretty sweet

    Well what do think I should name it Iam not set on monster I think it would be cool to get a few sugestons and iam starting to like this idea of a center tuner for the

    D-string I would love to get some more info on this!! and hey welcome to the forum

    demon B)


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  5. Won't the string angles from the nut to the tuners be a bit steep with that design? What are the opinions of the experienced buiders out there?

    Well yes in that pic the string angles from the nut to the tuners are a bit steep well very steep but thats just a rough drawing I made with my paint program

    so I could give people an idea about my design.

    I have the finished design on paper all measured out and it works perfect B)


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  6. wow thanks guys for all the kind words I agree on the headstock design being a bit a off so I will work on that and see what happens. :D

    increase some wood behind the bridge, will get a 100% better tonal response. You need at least 3 inches of wood behing the bridge to get some good tones. 
    Well I wanted the string through to go tight with that line at base of the guitar I realy like the way it fits the design it gives it that tough look but I may add some wood in but not alot it is a very long guitar and I don't want to reck it's look thanks for the tip I will keep it in mind.

    I was thinking of doing a quilted maple top and purpleheart back Iam not sure what to do for the neck any way I was thinking of calling this one [MONSTER]

    Thanks B)

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  7. It's probably something very simple that you're overlooking. With photobucket.com, all you have to do is select the URL of the photo you have stored on their servers, copy it, and then paste it into the text box here on the forum. At least that 's how I do it

    thanks you were right it was somthing stupid simple I did what you said and it worked so agan thank you all for the help!! :D

    !!METAL MATT!! B)

  8. Ditto that.Don't use BMP's please. They are huge and will take forever to download for those reading your posts. Please convert the image to either a GIF or a JPG, both of which are the standard formats for the internet.

    Trust us on the suggestion to use www.photobucket.com. You can't go wrong with that

    Thanks you guys for all the info I will keep trying this thing hasent beat me yet!!

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

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