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Posts posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. it maybe that you did not sand correclty or you were not letting enough lacquer get on the wood? I don't think that a auto shop would spray something that was not prepped right... very interesting problem.

    Iam sure they would but I have 2 problems, 1. I don't know how to upload pics yet 2. The guitar was sanded so thin that it lost is look altogeather so now it's scrap wood and it's in 5 pices. sorry!! B)

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  2. What about a [project guitar] guitar of the month calendar you could do a poll once

    a month on the best pics for the calendar and the winer of the guitar of the month

    would win a free T-shirt and calendar. in doing this you may get more people intrested in showing there work and bring in more people to get involed with this site. you could also sell the calendars to every one else for a small fee you could do it for a very low cost in high gloss paper or flat gloss earther way I think It would be a cool thing to try I know I would like one. B)


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  3. Too bad the Vixen V was ripped of from my friend Paul Church A.K.A Lurch. Kinda the same way He ripped the Beast from Brian Hoffman

    if thats true than thats a real shame that demon v is a way beter looking guitar and it deserves the respect that bernie rico jr took and clamed as his own!! :D

    any way wes I think That guitar should turn out awsome and I can't wait to see it

    and I hope you get your lespaul tone. :D


    !!METAL MATT!! B)

  4. hey wes I was just woundering if that last pic of your drawing was bassed on the

    vixen by Bernie rico Jr and if so are you going to build it

    to see what iam talking about check this out www.ricojrguitars.com sorry I don't know how to link it yet :D


    !!METAL MATT!! B)

  5. I can't list just one of my fav guitarist I have to list 2 not sure if any one knows of Rick rozz and James murpy but thy both played for the death metal band DEATH.I dont know of any two men that have done more for death metal
    then themselvs. B):D:D

    Rick Rozz left the band sometime after the release of "Leprosy". Rick was replaced by James Murphy, an accomplished guitarist (who later also worked with Obituary and Testament), who helped in writing the music for Death's LP in 1990


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  6. B) Hi there a few months ago I tryed to stain my flying v black with a water-based acetaline dye on flamed maple. When I was done it looked great as far a I new so I brought it to an automotive shop for them to laqer it for me and the laqer refused to adhere to the wood so I brought it home with me and sanded it down and tryed agan with a new die but same type and I did the laquer my self and I had the same problem.

    so now Ive got this new dye [blendal powder stain-concentrated] and I don't know how to use it for my next guitar so I thought insted of trying blindly and destoring another axe I would ask for help this time


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  7. Now I may not respect what B.C RICH is doing now but I still have a lot of

    respect for there work in the past and if it wernt for them pushing the limits of

    extrem design the world would would be crapy and fender shaped [NOT THAT I DONT LIKE FENDER] but if it were the only thing out there for design it would get real old real fast.


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

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