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Posts posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. Ok I have My line 6 spider 112 for sale make me and Offer


    Death Metal Pedal-25$ OBO


    DISSECTION---the somberlain---10$


    SUFFOCATION---Human waste---10$

    SLAYER---Christ illsion---5$

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  2. I think crafty got it dead on man!! I know that the Older Line 6 amps had this Problem alot of places stoped selling them because of it I think it has something to do with High Volume. My Line spider 6 is still my Fav amp, Ive had it for around 4 Years with no problems I run it at Low Volume most of the time

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  3. Do you mean recommending in terms of people looking to order custom guitars?

    More than likely but he has a hard time with his english, hes from Argentina

    :D but Im not really takeing on any builds

    MATT i can't wait to see that 8 finished!

    I'm skinhead of ss.org, i recomend you a lot, 'cause i like your works.

    Keep constructing alive!

    Hey Frank man!!! its good to see ya over on PG

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  4. i mean that i gave you the same advice over a year ago before i left.remember i told you you should stop making pictures and asing opinions about style choices and just go for it?

    trust yourself man...

    Oh ya I know what your saying man but thats was also around the time I moved, I dont have A shop any more thats less than 4 hours away and I also have A very full time Job and a woman that needs time with me, but really the only thing thats slowing me down is my shop, Im still waiting to be aproved to use the shop on the Air bass hear in cold lake once that happens than Im back on top of the game.

    bUt ive never really stuck with many of my new designs, I start to see thing I could have done beter with the design and I start working on a new drawing and I get all excited and I start a new build and I forget about the last one, its a cycle I get in :D , but dont worrie Im working on breaking that this Tyrant Explorer will be built and it will be deadly

    Its nice knowing that people really give A s^%$t about me :D

    !!METAL MATT!! B)

  5. Well now that you propose that "faded" fret board, Matt, I really want to see it done! I agree, not on this guitar, but in general, I think it would be a cool idea. In what way could a guitar be "themed" for fading? The first thing that jumps to mind is lots of bursting.

    Well it was not my idea! :D a freiend said I might try it and I loved it so much that I had to sare it with you guys, now If I do this to a guitar I think it would look deadly on my damien design with A quilted

    maple fret board. I think it would kinda look like lava flowing down the neck B)

    A new mock up with the right headstock design


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

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