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Posts posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. i feel as if fading to black on the fretboard would take away the simple class that the wood grain gives it.

    Well I think that if the guitar was theamed for fadeing than it would Kill BUT since its a simple wood look I want the fade is not something I want to do at all, but like I said on a nother neck it would be cool

    has any one ever seen this done? pics?

    i think the mockup looks SUPER kick ass matt...something about the headstock shape does not flow in MY mind,but don't worry about that...your guitar,your style decision.

    i hope like hell that the finished guitar looks as sweet as that mockup

    Thanks Wes, and yes the headstock in the Full mockup does NOT look right at all

    it should look more like this (with out the black on the Board)


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  2. Thanks Perry :D

    I do Bleave your Right about the headstock, I'll see if there is any thing I can do to pull the headstock into the Neck and body some how, any ideas you want to share there would be cool man!!

    BUT about the Other things PLEASE man you've shared you thoughts and wisdom many many times with me and now its up to me to either use it or flush it but hearing the same thing over and over is geting tired and greating and makeing it harder and harder to take in what your saying with an evin eye and its makeing ME fell like Crap

    So please man leave it like that and let me grow how I will

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  3. Totally off topic but, why are guitars called axes? Sounds kinda retarted to me

    YES yes it does sound retarted :D but its fun to say

    I gas for any thing "guitar" that catches my eye I love every thing to do with them

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  4. sorry, cant be bothered reading the entire thread, the ideas change too many times...

    Ive had enough of these litel pokes and twists and tiny attacks

    Fine!! than Dont read the thread, I dont really care Any more Perry ok, YES I changed My mind ALOT I do that Its me it will be me for A long time, I like Changeing my mind and thinking of new things This Is the first guitar Ive Built like this and this Is how I tend to do things with A new design,

    Now Im sure that your going to have Some Snide rude backhanded thing that you want to say but maybe you wount since I pointed that fact out BUT if you do I will no longer step down and do this and I aslo hope that other Froum members do the same And keep there thoughts on this out of this thread

    I still think your The S@#it Perry and you do some Deadly guitars and I respect ya for that BUT

    I do not do things in my life acording to perrys Guitar building 101 rule book, at first I looked up to you

    and because of that I took alot of things that you said to heart

    Any way in anser to your Qustion, I only really wanted the Ebony on the Headstock as of yet yes It is in no mans land, Im not sure maybe I'll do ebony Volume and tone Knobs, It would be nice to pull the ebony in to the Body some how, I'll give it a think

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  5. hz piickups are horrible...stay with the active line

    Ya I know that every one seems to swap out the crummy HZ's and they toss in some 707s or 81-7's

    So any one know where these things Are at

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  6. why dont you make one... you know... you're Brutilizer Guitars... remember....

    Never seen a guitar company owner GASing over an import guitar, i must say

    Because Its going to cost me ALOT more to build one than to bye one that I just like the Looks Of :D

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  7. by the way...i in no way believe that guitar was foam...urban legend if you ask me...or just plain b.s.

    don't believe everything you hear.

    bc rich has made FIBREGLASS bodies before...not necks,bodies...and some guitars have carbon fibre necks.

    but foam?i call major b.s.

    I'll ask Neal

    EDIT, there I just sent Neal A PM, I cant wait to see if this Foam guitar is for real :D

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  8. Well Neal Moser started A thing on the shreder a while ago the whole

    "it's gotta be special tone wood or it won't sound good"
    Myth stuff :D

    Me I really dont bleave that Pine is any good for guitars At all NOT AT ALL but I do like the Idea of people trying new things and doing things that Others say cant be done or should not be done

    this is A quote from Neal in responce to the Pine and ceder Guitar

    Hey Reece, excellent job.

    HOWEVER, when I say PINE, I mean 2x4's with knots, right out of Home Depot and then glued together. Cut the body out of THAT. THEN, make the neck AND finger board out of PINE as well. I want this guitar to be SOOOOOO WRONG it's pathetic, SO, if it DOES sound good, it will dispel all the "it's gotta be special tone wood or it won't sound good" STUFF. If I'm wrong about this I will be the first one to report that I was WRONG. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to sound a lot like a guitar.

    Hmmmmmm............Matt just built his bench and has some extra PINE 2x4's left over.

    P.S. Chris (noeffin) bought a BCR Warlock off Ebay one time. It looked pretty nice and sounded pretty good for a "only sold over seas" import. When he went to rout the electronics cavity to add to the electronics, we realized it was made of FOAM. YUP, blown into a mold FOAM. Even the neck, which looked to be neck-thru, was foam. The only wood on the guitar was the finger board.

    SO, blown into a mold FOAM sounded pretty damn good. Why wouldn't PINE.

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  9. metal matt...yes it can be done...but do look at that guitar...he should have solid finished it...the wood grain is butt ugly on that cedar top...

    but the cedar may have the tone in that guitar..if the top is thick enough...cedar is comsidered a good viable tonewood

    Agrred!! just showing that it has been done and with good results.

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  10. This Is A PINE and ceder guitar built by A guy on the shredder!!




    this is what he had to say about it


    Mahogany Neck, Ebonised Fretboard, 21 frets, 20"Short scale, MOP diamond inlays

    Body... PINE with RED CEDAR top, in Trans Black

    BCR BDSM pup re-wired to 4 wire, 1 volume, Series/parallel switch, Custom Pre-amp w/ Treble, Mid and Bass.

    How does it sound?

    Surprisingly GOOD, even with the BDSM (if it can make a BDSM sound good, it must be good right?)

    Clean is VERY good, you almost can get a real dreadnaught sound out of it, it's ritch and bassy.

    Dirty it produces a very strat neck pup sound, bright, but not too bright.

    I learned a few things from this guitar:

    a) Stick with a brand of paint you trust

    :D Red Cedar is the softest s#%^&@est wood i'm never touching it again

    c) Pine is AWESOME, i'm going to use it again

    d) The stealth is my favourite guitar shape of all time, I'm going to build me another

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

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