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Posts posted by !!METAL MATT!!

  1. Reading the original post is cool.

    HAHA Good point :D

    but i've never done a carved top....

    please....sniff....i want to....

    You know I think Neal shows somewhere how he did that and the steps it took

    I'll ask him for ya and look around

    Metal Matt, I wasn't asking who Neal Moser is.... I was asking who the devil's the guy who's signature model it is, and does he actually deserve a signature model lol.


    I was not sure so i answered with both names I knew of B) Neal Moser and Michael Vangerov

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  2. I doubt this will be much help, but considering its density, it should be somewhere between a bone nut and a brass nut, both of which can be found on modern guitars. As for which it'd be resemble more, I couldn't tell you. What exactly draws you to the idea of using aluminum?

    well that really does kinda help man thanks. you kind brought the whole idea down to earth for me :D I think i'll give it a try

    What exactly draws you to the idea of using aluminum?

    Well I was asked if I wanted the Nut to be Hardwood OR aluminum and the words aluminum nut sent me for a spin and I just had to know more about it B)

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  3. Yeah, that'd be the guitar.... but who is he then?!


    thats Neal Moser he built the thing and its a Michael Vangerov Signature Model

    I still think that hooglebug should give it a try since his body design is not dead on the same, I think it will be a cool spin off

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  4. Well this is the first time ive thought about it but what would an aluminum string nut sound like on my low f tuned 8string guitar :D

    Ive never really done any thing like that before nore have I played a guitar with an aluminum string nut.

    I know that some Silvertone Danelectro's have em but other than that I know nothing.

    some one willing to fill me in? :D

    !!METAL MATT!! B)

  5. Matt, that seems like a really inefficient use of wood(on the body, I mean). You could cut one of the boards into 3 pieces and glue those pieces onto the center board for your spikey parts. You might have to angle the cuts to get it to work, but I'm pretty sure it could be done with relative ease. Just trying to save you some lumber; my US $.02

    HAHAHA Im not planing on wasteing all that wood :D Ive just got the body laid out over top of the wood

    I plan on geting 2 bodies out of this wood, im thinking about doing a Damien body out of whats left over from the walnut

    oh and hears a shot for scale


    !!METAL MATT!! :D

  6. yeah, the mods at sevenstring.org don't like people who have strong opinions against ibanez, so far i like this forum better, granted i haven't posted a ton, but i've looked around quite a bit. seems to fit me better

    Ya!! such is life, I find Ibanez to be sooooooo over done same with Fender and gibson and dean

    theres a whole list of pros and cons for all of them, in the end its just what ya like

    I love that 6string design man!! now you need to build that design in 7 and 8 strings :D

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

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