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Posts posted by Bill-Murray

  1. Yeah, I'm 6'0. I've been starting boxing and stuff, which is actually really great. For those of you who are afraid of getting hit in the face and stuff, it's not bad once you get it over with. It's like pulling your tooth as a kid, you're just afraid to do it but once you do it it's not so bad, and actually a relief. Try it sometime....

  2. I remember wes said they weren't really that great, but man that goldtop with 2 p90s has me tempted. Anybody got one of those?? I've been wanting one, and it's probably the only one I could afford right now...

  3. Oh dude, I was being sarcastic. Thanks for the article, it was some interesting helpful stuff, I'll keep that in mind. I guess I'm just going to make a 1960b clone. Anybody got the measurements??

  4. Cool dude, so it's going to be a 4 X 12. Do you know of any schematics available, I've been looking forever. So they just use 3/4 for everything, or do they have sides thicker?? Oh and one more thing, what are the pros and cons of having an open back?? Like a closed back adds more stability, but loses some sound because it's closed??? I forgot to mention I'm using gh12 30's, so it will be 120W. Thanks dude.

  5. I think I'll just go with 16 ohms, because I'm gonna get a plexi head eventually, can't afford it right now. Does anybody know what marshall made theirs out of?? Everybody says I should go with particle board, but I said I'd burn in hell before using particle board. They said pine would rattle, but I said not if I built it right. I want to do an angled cab too, so it gets a little more complicated. Nobody knows of a site with specs?? Thanks for the help so far..

  6. Okay, I'm gonna go with celestion g12h 12" speakers in my 4 X 12 I'm going to build. I'm still unsure which ohm speaker I should get. You guys say 8 is better?? Why?? And does anybody have any material about building a 4 X 12 like the 60/70's marshalls?? Thanks

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