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Posts posted by Bill-Murray

  1. Wow, ironworking foreman eh?? I did take a metal working shop in highschool so maybe I need to go work for you :D. Hell yes it sounds like you make decent money, I've just always wondered cause you appear to be loaded. Yeah the special is their lowest end, for $500 is was a steal though.....Hey, what kind of pickups were those that came with yours, if they're burstbuckers I'll buy em off ya...

  2. Geez man, what kinda day job do you have?? How many guitars do you have in total, I bet you've got a ton. I've got a LP special, and it is pretty good too. How do you tell if the fretwork is good?? No buzzing, smooth filed edges, seated well?? I'm kinda nervous about my first fretjob and would like some feedback. I don't mean to hijack either, good review. Gibson takes alot of crap, but they do make pretty good guitars. Not the "Best" alot of people say, but good nontheless.

  3. That was pretty angry. Dude, you don't need to leave for 1 misunderstanding. I thought it was unfair how they hounded a guy with perfect feedback, and who said he'd give money back. Granted, you should have said "Copy" or "Clone". You probably shouldn't try to sell your first on anyway. Have a great life yourself man.

  4. Oh yeah man, I don't have the guts (or tools) to try a fingerboard from scratch. Luckily I do have acess to alot of tools (High school shop student) but not a miter box. That neck does seem a bit thick, and I'm glad you told me that. I would have gone thinner and might've had trouble with the neck angle. I pretty much grasp the concept of a neck angle, about 90%. I'm gonna do a 2.5 degree, seems to be the middle of it. I'm glad the carve is less than 1/2" becaise I don't know if I could afford any thicker :D You've been an amazing help, and you'll be the first one who gets to see my beast. I'm gonna order my precut, pre radiused fingerboard to work on in a few weeks. And yeah, I really did like the headstock. It's really classy, and you hardly ever see roswood headstock ya know?? Take care man, stay safe.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and the GOTM for march is up. If you don't enter yours it'll be a true shame...

  5. For the record, I thought the headstock was outstanding. I wanted to do it on my guitar, but I'd feel guilty copying you :D

    Thanks for all the measurements man, yours looks perfect, so I'm gonna use them to the hair. 2 more questions then I'll shut up and let you go.

    1. How thick was your neck blank you worked with??

    2. Did the carve on the top excede 1/2"?? I wanna put a flamed top on mine, and was thinking 1/2 would be thick enough. Thanks again.

    edit- No, I haven't started on mine yet. I will be doing the fretboard pretty soon. Ebony with block inlays, oh yeahh.

  6. Yeah, it does look alot like


    I also don't see what's so special about it. I wouldn't compare it to a strat. It's a LP DC and a PRS combined. That's it. I don't want to be mean, but like idtch, I don't think theres a fortune to be made or anything. Nice design, but don't get carried away man. I like how you are having a bookmatched back too, and fretboard. Man that's gonna be a puppy. How are you gonna do the binding?? And neck angle??

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