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Everything posted by IcoHolic

  1. That's what I figured, thanks very much for the answer.
  2. Hey all You've all been helpful in the past. I was wondering when repainting a guitar body, do you have to completely strip off the paint, or can you just rough it up and paint over it? The body in question has no serious scratches or chips, so it's nearly 100% smooth. Thanks
  3. Cort sends the body finished.
  4. Well, when you don't have tools to refinish.. it becomes very expensive to do so. A $200 body is far cheaper than refinishing it myself.
  5. Well I've ordered a new body from Cort. So I've decided to maybe play with this body and see what I can do with it. Worst case senario... I make a complete mess, and I'll still have a new body. This is probably going to be an excellent way to practice and learn about finishes. I think maybe playing with the compounds and doing some wacky sanding might be fun.
  6. Well After speaking with Cort... I can get a new body for $125 + S&H... that's probably the most cost effective and simple way to deal with it.
  7. I was looking at swirl remover at the store, wanted swirl remover... for some unknown reason I bought a cutting compound. (Same Looking Bottle) I got home and put a bit on the area I wanted to polish. Turned on the buffer... did the usual 10 seconds... and OH MY GOD. This happened. Picture 1 Of My Brain Fart Picture 2 Of My Brain Fart I know I'm probably stretching, but is there anyway on earth to repair this bit of idiocy? Thanks
  8. Recommend any 3 step polishes/compounds? I've read the Maguire 3 step will do a nice job.
  9. Hey all. I have read the polishing tutorial, and it's great but I do have a question. Do those steps apply to glossing up a satin finish? I have a Cort Curbow 5 with a Satin finish, after a few months of use, it's now a satin & gloss finish. It looks quite terrible and I'm tired of fighting with it. So I figured just going to a gloss would make life a heck of a lot easier. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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