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Posts posted by eddiewarlock

  1. Hi i would like to trade a copy of a Tobias bass i was building for my band, but i need other stuff rather than a bass.

    The neck was bought off Ebay, it's brand new, in perfect shape, maple neck, rosewood fretboard, 34", and 24 frets

    The body was made by me, it's made of Apamate, purpleheart, curly maple, purpleheart and apamate. Apamate is a venezuelan wood that resembles Korina, but way harder, it is a bit harder than mahogany.

    I also include a set of Jazz bass pickups, made by tech parts, again, never used, although one onf the has it's leads broken, so you have to solder a couple new cables to use it, and a bridge.

    I would like to get 2 of these guitar speakers:


    Their price, including shipping to Venezuela it's 230$ for 2 speakers.

    I send you the Tobias copy body, the neck, pickups and bridge and i pay for the shipping to the USA ( or wherever you are) via EMS which gets the package to your house in a 7-10 days.

    Here are some pics:




    And here's a pic of the bass body with a bit of thinner wiped on to see how it'd look once finished.


  2. I voted for Daniel's blue Nova guitar. When i saw it for the first time i thought it was a perfect new design guitar, if a big guitar company would offer it, i think it would sell very well. It's a very elegant, classy yet aggressive design, kind of like an SG, that doesn't look bad whether you play metal, rock or pop.

    The only things are i don't like are:

    The relic effect, i hate that

    The Machineheads lack the washer

    It needs a headstock logo

    But i know it's the first one, the next ones will be awesome too, makes me wanna copy that design for myself! hehehe but i won't :D

  3. well the GFS pickup is brand new, i had used it on a guitar of a friend of mine who needed it for a gig, then we took it off...

    The JB is not new, but i had it checked with a multimeter a couple of months ago, and it was working, didn't read the dc resistance though....

    how do i wire a pickup straight from the jack?

    Hot to the tip and bare and ground cables together to the sleeve of the jack?

  4. i don't know what i am doing wrong, cuz i am wiring just a guitar with one pickup and one pot.

    I wired the Kelly i built, it has a GFS crunchy paf pickup, comes with 4 wires and a bare , so, the green one is hot i wire it to the left pin of the pot, the black one is ground, that one goes to the back of the pot.

    Red and white taped together, and bare goes to the back of the pot.

    From the bridge i ran one cable, which goes to the back of the pot, and from the jack i run one cable which goes to the center pin and the other one that goes to the back of the pot.

    And i get really LOW output from the pickup...

    Happened the same when i tried wiring a Duncan JB pickup on another guitar, with the same config, one volume, one humbucker...except that on Duncan's the hot is the black cable and the green is ground...

    what am i doing wrong??

    Thanks guys :D

  5. My latest finished proyect:

    I wanted a replica of In Flames´Björn Gelotte Les Paul Custom, minus the pickguard, i hate those things on Les Pauls.

    So i had the luck that some kid had a really beaten Gallan Les Paul Copy...it had a plywood body and all...yuck...but the top was solid maple, i made a spanish cedar body for it, a neck neck , 3 piece of mahogany, spanish cedar and mahogany, new fretboard, ebony, 22 frets, new inlays, MOP blocks, the only things i used from the guitar were the top and it's multi ply binding and the headstock plate, cuz it had a multi ply binding as well, i had to make the split diamond ( and didn't come out that well...damn curved MOP) and of course, it's got my name on it, Torres, with the Gibson font:)

    It is almost finished, it doesn't sound yet as i need a gold jack plate and a gold pickup selector...i have both piece but in chrome...





  6. ...that's lovely Spanish Cedar, but hardly 'normal' figure for the stuff.

    Eddie: its great stuff for bodies and necks, but it is softer, lighter and dents more easily than any of the mahoganies, true or otherwise. Bit more dent resistant than Limba (higher hardness numbers), so it's not a reason not to use it. Smell is the easiest way to tell them apart, but I do find Cedrella has less pronounced grain (finer, more closed pore, less shimmer) than mahogany, given two plain pieces.

    Yup, i agree 100% with you :D

    Here in Venezuela there's a ban on cutting mahogany trees, so it hasn't been avaiable for 5 years, and the substitute is cedar, although is scarce. I like it better than mahogany, and sometimes it has a nice quilted pattern.

    Regarding hardness, it depends on the pieces, i'¡ve had piece that were part of a door frame and they were hard, as hard as mahogany i loved it.

    Other pieces are lighter in color and dents way easier :D

  7. Spanish cedar is awesome!! you want true mahogany sound? use spanish cedar, sounds wonderful!

    It can be used for necks and bodies. And it is harder than Korina, and if korina is so used on guitars why can't be spanish cedar?

    FYI, spanish cedar is of the same family as mahogany ( they look VERY similar) sometimes the only way to tell them apart is by smelling it, spanish cedar smells really really good :D

    If you get a lighter colored spanish cedar piece it is more likely to dent, but if you get pieces that are mahogany in color those are not easily dented and are as hard as mahogany

    I have used it a lot and have recently made a Explorer, a Les Paul, a PRS and soon a BC Rich warlock copy, with it. Most of them have maple caps, but it works great by itself.

    Give it a try, it'll suprise you very nicely :D

  8. Well Eddie, you know I love it. Then again, any Max era warlock is a winner in my book. maybe someday we will see a return to BCR for Max because his new sig is just UGLY!

    Yeah I hope so!! You know this is a different one, right? I have a blue camo one and this is a gray camo :D

    I don't like the newer models Max have been using like the AX and i didn't like the Viper either...even if his camo one was cool it couldn't top his warlocks.

  9. Yup i painted them myself. I got tired of taking my guitars to this guy who charges a LOT for painting a guitar, and on the last guitar he painted for me, he did on it what HE whanted not what i wanted, and i had paid him like 500$ so i said screw it and did it myself. He wanted for the camo graphic around 700$...

    I used DuPont´s Chroma Clear paints, from the primer to the paints and the clear coat itself, it works really good, and can take a very high shine :D I love it :D

    And yes, GOTM...i agree that most people don't like pointy guitars, but in the GOTM...it has to be a very classical looking instrument to win ( unless it's a bass)

  10. The specs on the Kelly are:

    Neck: laminated 3 piece thru body neck made of purpleheart

    Body: Spanish cedar wings

    Fretboard, quebracho, 25 1/2", 24 frets, pearloid inlays

    Bridge: Fixed kahler

    Pickup: GFS Crunchy Paf ( which is very similar to a SD SH-5)



    It was very hard to photograho cuz my camera sucks.

    Haven't wired it yet though

    now the warlock :twisted: I am really pleased at how this one came out, it looks so much better than the blue camo warlock i own


    Neck: thru body neck made of purpleheart/spanish cedar/purpleheart

    Body: mahogany wings

    Fretboard: Gaboon ebony, 24 frets, 24 3/4" scale, MOP diamond inlays

    Bridge: BC Rich Quadmatic

    Pickup: Seymour Duncan JB SH-4





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