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Posts posted by eddiewarlock

  1. OK i sprayed the last coat of cat lac on my guitar on saturday, i bought regular lacquer to spray the final coats, i just see it a bit too yellowish compared to cat lac...Also, there's another guitar i'm gonna paint, and i'll use automotive acrylic paint, will sanding sealer do as a basecoat? too many guitarsm too little painting experience! lol :D

  2. Hmmm, if i was you, and wanted to use purpleheart exclusively, i'd make a laminate neck, an 8 string neck is way too wide, and you'd want the maximum stability, so i'd either make it a multi ply purpleheart neck, 3 or more pieces, or, i'd use a purpleheart/maple laminate neck, for both stability and aesthetic reasons, good luck man! :D

  3. sure you can build a solid purpleheart neck, that's what i'm doing with a BC Rich warlock copy i'm building, solid purpleheart neck, mahogany wings, ebony fretboard, also, i read that purpleheart sounds like right in between maple and ebony, and that it makes a great choice for downtuned guitars, i'm gonna tune my warlock to B, so for an 8 string it'll be really good :D

  4. yeah, just what i had thought, i guess i should look in the tutorials on how to do a translucent finish , i changed my mind ( because the natural mahogany look doesn't fit that guitar in my opinion) and wanted to paint it trans green.... pro finishers....i don't know, i don't think car painters here buff cars with stuff like that...but i'll ask, what else do you recommend me to do Drak? ( besides reading more on painting :D )

  5. Ok scraped that crap off , and mixed it correctly this time, it worked!! now, i have some glossy areas and some other that look satin, the grain is filled and the surface looks even, no pores. What's next? i was planning to start wet sanding with a 320 grit, wet sanding with soapy water, and then go to 600, 1000, 1500, and 2000, is this the way to go?

  6. where did you buy your neck thru blank? if it was from carvin and stewmac they don't have a neck angle, you can get away with no neck angle if you use a fender style hardtail bridge or a recessed floyd rose, for tune o matics, badass, quadmatics, schaller wraparound , gotoh warparound etc, you need a 3 degrees angle, i suggest, since you don't have experience with neck thrus, to use the hardtail, Neal Moser http://mcs.acidpit.org , www.nealmoser.com sells thru body neck blanks, totally handmade and you can have the option to order a neck with angle, can chose between maple and mahogany necks and can choose your fretboard material

  7. yeah i think i used way too much catalizer, i will ask tomorrow at the paint store if they have measures, but in any case, i just have to use 20 parts of lacquer and one part of catalizer, one question: since i think this won't cure, what sure i use to remove this coat? thinner? and then i should scrape it off with a blade? or should i sand it off ( if it cures)

  8. hmmm well Drak, it says on the can that it dries to sand in an hour, also it doesn't need any thinner, it's been 4 hours since i gave it the first coat and it's not dry at all, not even to the tact, the proportions on the can for lacquer and catalizer are 20:1, i was using very little lacquer so i applied a little catalizer and i thought i applied too much, because it's better always to add more catalizer than less, also i cleaned my gun and sprayed thinner with it for a good while so i supposse the gun will be clean although i will be more careful for the next coat. The other guitar i'll paint with this cat-lac is another mahogany guitar and the color is light cherry i chose light because that i could control how dark i'd want the color, i want an SG cherry like color, another question( i should have asked this before) cat laq won't crack, right?

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