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Posts posted by Moreau

  1. A lame rockstar is someone we could give a damn about or thinks theyre king of the world. You never hear about low profile band members and such dying. Im just saying all the really great and influential artists and bands get struck by tragedy and death. Nirvana and The Beatles just to name a few, im sure we could do up a list if we had to. It just p*sses me off that it was DIME and the others who died. We always lose the greats. Maybe its the loss that makes us realize how great they are. Either way, My prayers are with all the people involved (execpt that piece of sh*t) and anyone else who is affected by the news of today. Its good to let it out.


  2. Not only is this guy f**king sick in the head for what he did, but i think he just volunteered his grave for a new public toilet. I missed damageplan a few weeks ago, taking it for granted, half knowing the show was going on. Now i feel regret that Ill never get to see dime live. He was a madman! He will be missed forever. Im mad... and it sucks, because as horrible as this all is, noone ever kills lame rockstars. So many great musical minds are lost and they had more to give. RIP DIME :D LOVE and RESPECT

  3. A friend found an old guitar. It says made in Japan, So I assumed It could be decent. But It has no name. It Appears to be a Jazzmaster Copy, with a Black Fender type headstock, with a little bit of the "Ball" cut away, so to kinda like a fender head. It has 3 - 2 position switches on it, just below the srtings on the pickguard. Cant tell the wood type. neck is in great shape. 2 Chrome Humbuckers. Bridge may be missing parts. Ill try to get pics of it. Thanks :D

  4. Yeah I know I could do that, but its a matter of the fact that i feel I am cheaping myself out enough not making a neck, that if I recess the tune o matic, I may as well just make facky boxes. It would just seem to lazy and not very creative on my part seeing that I feel quite up to the challenge of making an angled pocket. But I just dont want a 1/8" gap or whatever under the base of the board. :D

  5. Hey there,

    I just got a BC rick neck off and acrylic mockingbird i think, and i was wondering about the neck pocket. Its all straight and the part of the fretboard that extends past the neck is straight and flat. How would this affect doing an angled neck? as i plan to use a TOM. do i have to rout out a lil space for the tip of the fretboard? Also I am curious about adding screws to mount it. What size do i need? To ensure a tight fit, should I use bigger ones?


  6. Anyone know of the figure and whatnot of riftsawn wood? is its quality less? is the figue good to look at? And what type of laminating should i do with the grain? should i flip the one side around to somewhat make it symmetrical? of should i take a 2 inch piece and bookmatch it and add 2 laminates? im confused still

  7. So im building a 32" bass and i want to make a wood bridge. will i have to set the middle of my bridge right at 32"? is this the same distance as the distance from the nut to the 12th, then that distance to the bridge? im confused, and im sure my question doesnt help. but basically i am wondering where to mount my bridge and the proper way for it to be exactly placed. thanks

  8. i have seen some nice burl for less than a quilted top... i found one piece anyways. but its not too hard to find a good looking board for a deal.. check ebay n such. ive seen a few deals. maybe have a "top fund" so when u see one u can just grab it.

    i just never have any damn money , lol


  9. :D im using 5/16" quilted on my fist guitar. its not 5a, its pretty basic. nice looking wood, ones a lil more figured, but i want to have the body wood showing when u look straight at it.i think it will look cool. especially if you use a dark wood veneer on the body before you apply your top, youll get a nice pinstripe around the guitar. got inspired by this:

    Alembic Custom - East Meets West

    But i think i might give it a 45 degree bevel on the edges. worth trying IMO. but i hear some woods like ebony on maple can dirty the maple. so be careful.

  10. http://www.ctbasses.com/picview.php?src=Aa...woodbridge2.jpg

    thats what carl thompson does. he uses a nice dovetail on it.. i got an idea thats based on the idea of individual saddles, but is it a tune o matic scenario, requiring the neck to ba angled? i assume the height of the bridge and the saddles will make it kinda high dont ya think? but yeah he makes some gorgeous stuff. I also read an article on how he has no idea what his wood combos will sound like, he just goes for it. pretty interesting guy too. so are all his necks angled?



  11. Thanks for the tip. So here goes. Im building a bass, so I need everything. I am not sure whether or not to go the passive route or the active. But I would like to emulate the sound of the music man, In my electronics setup at least. So i guess active. Im planning a Walnut body with Maple top. Should I go Active? what would be any drawbacks of this setup? Thanks

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