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Posts posted by deadmike

  1. cheers matt. you wont be pleased to know the next guitar will be made of out of an old scafolding board :D

    i hear what your saying supernova, on paper the design looked right, but when i cut the wood i knew immediately the wings werent right. it was cut... so there didnt seem like much point wasting it. i doubt i'll build another bat.

    sound files up! prepared to be underwhelmed!

  2. IT IS DONE!


    more pics in the log:


    It wasnt nearly as much fun as i thought it would be, certainly a good exercise into how to fix absolutely everything on a old knackered piece of rubbish and turn it into something stylish and playable.

    while it has raised my confidence, it didnt exactly surpass my last build.

    it sounds decent enough so im ok with it. i just wish it was good enough to give to someone, i have 6 guitars now and ive started on the seventh!

    hope you enjoyed this project.


  3. it might be something simpler than that. and less expensive.

    bb king says he winds the WHOLE string round his tuners and his guitar never goes out of tune, so im inclined to think its not how much of the string there is on them.

    are the strings properly stretched? i find some strings just take a while to get properly stretched out. my last set took a month!

    is the action dead low? could the pickups be pulling the strings slightly out of tune? its been known.

  4. what a range of styles!

    so many guitars left unfinished! i cant bear it!

    love that SG, seems a shame to have the neck pickup empty though! if you werent putting a second pickup in, what about a fancy bit of inlay or something? maybe a removeable feature?

    did you make the LP double cutaway as well?

  5. that thing is awesome!

    the paint job looks great and with the exception of the headstock, it looks exactly like jerry's bass!

    i really think you should invest in a skull for headstock, just to keep it authentic :D

    how much do you want for one? id seriously buy one of these if the price was right!

  6. it looks a bit like EMG, but it has no name on it at all. its from the "Session by Riverhead" guitar, so is the bridge, so no clues as to what they are.

    i think they are just the cheapest thing you can get. it wont matter, the bridge is in decent enough nick and my plans for the pickup will cover any embarrasment :D

  7. still havent come with any good ideas for the truss rod cover...

    these past few weeks have been... trying.... so much for the super duper filler/primer which promised the earth yet delivered nothing. i spent ages sanding it down to what i can only decribe as silk. only to then apply the black gloss and watch it run off the guitar! a primer that actually repells paint! after a bit of sanding it started to take, but like everything i try to paint, it just came out a bit sloppy.

    its had more than a few threats with the fireplace and now im too mentally drained to fight with it anymore. it is what it is.


    not long now till its complete. :D

  8. if epiphones are your thing who are we to judge.

    i woundnt paint the metal parts if you want a black matt finish, get them chemically dipped.

    the gothic series has chemical black hardare which i believe is dipped in acid to give it that finish.

    you might have a hard time trying to find a place that will do this for you. rake round the internet shops and ebay, theres plenty of black hardware out there.

  9. i was talking to the young gentry in the guitar shop a few weeks back and he was saying a lot of the accoustic guitars coming in are made intirely of mahogany. the body, the neck and even the fret board. also theyre becoming a lot cheaper. he said it was something to do with some massive mahogany forrest that has been cut down somewhere and now mahogany is cheap is chips.

    the story sounds bogus, but ive yet to see if mahogany prices have been slashed or not.

    the day when mahogany becomes as cheap as pine... i can dream :D

  10. i cant wait to have it put on!

    just one question, what order should i follow when putting the neck in. i have to rout out the pocket and the bridge isnt installed, so what should i start with? install the bridge first or the neck? i wanna make sure its straight of course, so what would you recommend i do?

    thanks a lot :D

    this is just me, but i do the neck pocket first, then if its a simple screw in bridge that doesnt need any major predrilled holes, i leave it till last. if your neck sits ever so slightly off, its easier to just position the bridge a smidgen up or down. or back and forth as needed.

    great neck, are you going to alter the headstock shape? or just bung a skull over it ? :D

  11. yeah cheers.... :D its snowing here...

    i like the shape of the headstock already and i dont want to do anything too drastic to it. why mess with something that doesnt need messed with?

    i just really think a funky truss rod cover will bring it in line with the rest of the guitar. i just cant get a shape or style i like.

  12. its been a while since i updated this, i havent been very busy, but im now priming and sanding the body. its a lot of work.

    but its been freezing here and i cant get out to do a lot of spraying, so my attentions have turned to the last piece i need for the bat, and thats the truss rod cover. i never liked the old one so my girlfriend and i have been throwing down tons of ideas, but none are hitting the spot. i dont know if its because im fussy or because of the headstock shape.

    i could really use some ideas and possible designs for it, so far all ive come up with is a bat wing, bat feet, tribal designs and just plain shapes that mimic the contour of headstock. none so far have done this baby justice.


    guitar colours are black and white, go crazy! :D

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