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Posts posted by deadmike

  1. indeed thats a great idea and those pegs would compliment the build, but im completely restrained by cost!

    the only pegs i can afford are whats going cheap on ebay. ive done some measurements from pegs i have on another guitar and those round pegs you get with the one screw hole will fit nicely!

    thanks or the idea though, i'll certainly look out for those.

  2. spikey guitars rule!

    some people are like me, i want something a little different, a little "out there" and something SPIKEY!!! :D

    others are content with fender clones, you know the types, with the sunburst effect from the 70's.

    im jealous of matt, that guitar is a fantastic design and build. theres some real craftsmanship gone into that, i wont hide my jealousy through put down lines, i'll just be honest.

    matt, your a complete b*stard, i wish i had an ounce of your talent. :D

  3. thanks matt, but i was hoping to have it finished by monday, but no joy.

    the finish is complete, ive spent the last month sanding/spraying/sanding/spraying....

    only to be going round in circles, all i was getting was bubbles and pitting. there seemed no way to avoid it. its not great... but it'll just have to do.

    the electronics will be fitted this sunday, knowing this project, something will go wrong.

    today i was putting in the machine heads onto the neck.... disaster... the cheapo machine heads have two fitting screws and sit VERY flush together, the point where the 3rd and 4th pegs sit in the middle of the headstock doesnt work. there too close.

    i'll either have to re-drill the holes (no chance)

    file down the machine heads (thats crazy)

    buy smaller heads (most likely)

    scrap the neck (are you mental?)

    or find some way to place the 3rd and 4th... squint, so they fit in (laughable)

    it'll be a rediculous bodge, i dunno what to do, back to ebay i suppose.... :D

  4. guys... your god sends.

    thanks for the links and pictures! im all juiced up with inspiration and ideas.

    i think i might give the leather a go, ive never really worked with leather (other than customizing a jacket) but i think its time i gave it a go...

    and if that falls through, one of those $5 straps from planet wave would be ideal!

  5. The painting has commenced... scotland finally had a couple of days of dry warm weather in which to spray in!

    im completely out of my depth and have read up alot about different spraying methods and paint types. i went with car spray paint, being was the most accessable.

    tips and comments are greatly recieved at this junction!!!


    also... this might sound barmy, but in my book it recommends that when using a two part paint to leave the guitar to air for two weeks until the "smell" of the solvent is gone. does this apply to car spray paint? i dont want to leave my guitar in the shed for any great length of time. but i dont want to have dangerous chemicals stinking up the house... advice on the can says nothing about this other than "dont inhale when spraying"?

  6. wasnt sure where to put this one... but here seems right i suppose.

    with my project reaching completion ive started thinking about straps. i own a few different types of straps and one thing ive noticed with all of them, there too darn short!

    im not into playing my guitar round my ankles, but i do find playing them at waist level ... arkward. id like my new guitar to sit a little lower than that.

    i asked around the local shops but the longest they had were 52", same as mine.

    just wondering id anyone else has made their own or adapted two straps and how did they do it?

    advice greatfully recieved!

  7. wowzer! i really like the shield look! i think when you look at a shape you can see right away what works and what doesnt, right in the first few seconds and that shape really works for me. that claw headstock design might work with that body also.

    but you what might make it cooler? making the horns symetrical!

    i should use that phrase as my signiture.... :D

  8. i take mines from the "external speaker" socket on my amp rather than the headphone as it seems to come out louder, straight into my line in on my soundcard .

    comes out great, but i did have to buy a jack adapter. 99p well spent and a darn sight cheaper than a soundcard with a pre-amp.

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