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Posts posted by CudBucket

  1. Well, I learned yesterday to never assume. I assumed that my Air Norton was the same height as my Steve's Special. I wanted my AN to sit about 3/32" higher than the neck pup. So I routed the bridge pup cavity 3/32" shallower than the neck cavity. Oddly enough, the AN sat way higher than the SS. That's when I put them next to each and saw how much higher the AN is than the SS. So I actually had to route the bridge cavity deeper than the neck cav to get the proper height difference. Anyway, I fixed it.

    All I have left to do on the body is cut the slot for the 5 way selector, drill the trem posts, drill the strap button holes and finish rounding over the sides by hand. I'm not sure if I'm going to do tummy and arm carves yet. After that, the body will be ready for finish.

    The neck still needs tuner holes drilled, nut installed and filed and the frets installed before I can oil it.

    I'm almost there.


  2. I kind of have ethical issues with putting "Ibanez USA Custom" on a guitar you built yourself, but that's your perogative.

    And the Ibanez Custom Shop has never been open to the public. They still have a custom shop in Los Angeles for making artists' instruments, but the only way to get one of those is to either become an Ibanez endorsed artist or buy one second hand.

    Yeah and why would you put anyone elses name on the guitar you built? I mean, it's not an Ibanez and why would you want anyone to think it is?

  3. I thought I would like petruci since he seems to be really into effects as I am. I've seen the pics of his live rig and that's the kind of stuff that I love! Walls of equipment and flashing LEDs!!! Yeah!!! He's even got my most beloved piece of gear ever - the Eventide harmonizer and seems to use it quite a bit.

    You like bands because of the gear they use???? :D

    Oh please, like everyone here hasn't bought gear because their hero plays it.

  4. Mushy, that's a great attempt considering your age. I'm floored by what you've accomplished. Yes, there are imperfections, but you've no doubt learned way more than that.

    I would suggest you go back to that design a little down the road and do it again. It can only be better. I can't imagine how nice that would be.

    When my first guitar is done I hope it gets the same approval from the members of this forum as yours has. That might be asking too much though! :D

    Keep building. We've got our eyes on you!


  5. It took a while for DT to sink in for me. But once they did, I went out and bought all their CDs. They're my favorite band right now, by far. In October, I had the privelege of taking a Master Class and Clinic with John Petrucci himself. I can't describe what that was like.

    Plus, they are fantastic live. I saw them twice in 2004 and they were great both times. At Madison Square Garden they went on with no opening act and played for almost 4 hours.

  6. I've recently realized that my bench top drill press doesn't have the necessary swing to allow me to align the bit far enough into the body so that I can drill my stud holes.

    I imagine I need a drill press with at least a 12" swing.

    Have any of you hand drill your stud holes? I know this hole must be absolutely perpendicular to the body face. I'm just wondering if any of you have used a drill press attachment designed for hand-held drills.



  7. Yes, definitely a spare time thing. It does fell like it's taking a long time though because I started in September. On the other hand, when I consider the actual hours I've put in, I see that I'm actually moving at a fairly quick pace considering my inexperience and all the time spent on the templates. In several cases, I'd mess up the template and have to start over!

    I cut my cavity door out of Mahogany today but I haven't updated the site yet.



  8. I've already searched the site and much of the info is dated. I'd like some current opinions.

    I see the two guns on Stew Mac. Is the smaller one OK for bodies? I already have a Badger and Paasche airbrush from my car model building days but I doubt I'd enjoy using either to spray clear on an entire body.

    Right now I only have a 2HP 6 gallon Porter Cable compressor but it'll do. It can provide the 1.5CFM at 90PSI that the Stew Mac guns require.

    Should I consider the Campbell Hausfield HVLP system?

    Any opinions would be appreciated.

  9. If that blem is in the wood, just cut or joint it off. You don't even need to keep it in the joint at all. Move it to the outside and it'll get cut off at the band saw when you rough cut the shape. If the pieces are 21 x 8, you'll have a 16" width. Way more than you need. You're rough block only needs to be 13" more often than not.

  10. If you're talking about the width across the fretboard, yes. It's thinner at the nut and progressively gets wider towards the body. Some neck thru's continue this "wedge" shape through the body to the stap pin. Some don't. Some start with a uniformly shaped piece of wood, glue the wings on and the taper only the part that contains the fretboard.

    Hope this answers your question.

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