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Posts posted by CudBucket

  1. Wow, 10% thinner is way low based on what I've read.  But whatever works I guess. I made sure I had a good deal of retarder in their (as a thinner as well) since it was so humid.

    I got less shrinkback then it would be thinned at 50%. A lot of retarder does help the finish lay out smoothly though.

    Good point.

    Just a quick update: I took the face down to 2000 again to remove those scratches I mentioned. Then re-polished.

    It is perfect now. I am so high on the finish on this guitar. I also spent more time working in the 3M Imperial Hand Glaze this time. Gonna do the back with more Glaze later.

    The finish on this guitar is 99% of my DC727. I can't call it perfect because the DC727 is perfect. But it really is that close. I'll post pics later.


  2. Wow, 10% thinner is way low based on what I've read. But whatever works I guess. I made sure I had a good deal of retarder in their (as a thinner as well) since it was so humid.

    Matt, gonna be another day or so, I'm resanding the top with 2000 today and then re-polishing so I can get those pesky scratches out.

  3. Black7, there is a partial schematic on ernieball.com. You'll have to look around there for the wiring diagrams. Other than that, I think it's pretty slim pickings.

    Godin, I've always felt the pictures of this color have been bad. My camera is not all that good and no matter what I do, I can't get an accurate shot. The flash totatlly washes it out and no flash causes blurry pics.

    I'm not total thrilled with the color either: I wanted more blue than green. But in person, it sure doesn't look washed out. It's very rich and vivid. The guitar actually does look better in person.

    Tomorrow, I'll put her together.

  4. As for the initial comment about prostitution, i stand by it. Its a  standard, commonly used, slang saying.


    There's no excuse for insulting someone. ESPECIALLY if you're a moderator and have the ability to ban someone because you see fit.

    In fact, you were rude to Sobot as well when he posted a poll in the in progress section. All you had to do was tell him you were moving it to a proper place. You didn't have to add that it was a useless poll and tell him to make up his own mind.

    I also don't buy into letting people be rude because "that's just the way he is". Everyone is entitled to common courtesy. If you can't be, you should give up your moderator status.

    You should just apologize for what you did and be done with it.

  5. Gotcha Devon. Well in that case, I'm lucky. No sand throughs on the flats. Just the corners.

    And you see, here's the thing. I didn't see any color in my wipe downs with a clean paper towel. Only after I dried off the body, did I notice the very beginnings of the sand through. I think I'll be able to fix it OK. I just am pissed that I'll have to spray and wait again. I really though I was close to done.

    Thanks guys.

  6. I was sanding my project guitar tonight. Did the 400 grit, levelled nice. Went to 600 and I think I see the beginning of 2 or 3 sand throughs on the tip of the upper horn. Didn't notice it right away because I'm sanding with MS and the body was wet. On the mahogany cavity covers, I did this on the edges and rather than sand all the way back and start over, I just dabbed some more dye on the area, cleared, and sanded.

    I was just wondering what you all thought. These areas are very very small still. About 1/8" to 1/4" in diameter.



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