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Posts posted by sepultura999

  1. i dont know if i care much for the tube amps,my ex girlfriend had a tube amp and it was impossible to distort, i used a pedal known as the "beyond metal pedal" and still hardly anything

    I tried the beyond metal pedal, forget that.

    Maybe the speaker is worn or something, I dunno. What I do know is you're the first person I have come across who would take a solid state amp over a tube amp.

    You want tube amp metal distortion? Bogner Uberschall. That thing EATS Mesas :D Of course that's a 5000 dollar head lol.

    Go with the line 6, or better yet, just go see what they have and try it out. No one is going to fully agree 100%, and if we did, you may end up hateing it.


  2. Yes people have lost their homes, jobs and loved ones. Yes people do turn to their church. I think Russ here is not just trying to help get it up and running again but looking into something he knows about to help get it up and running again. Everyone who was hit by the storm has to pitch in every way, whether big or small. I am from Toronto Canada and when I get a list I will look into it. I may not be able to find stuff but it's worth a shot.

    By the way, does it matter if the gear is used or not?

  3. well im not saying that every 1 in america is like that, im saying in a situation like this 1 people shouldnt be so downright stupid, this sort of thing didnt happen after the tsunamis hit banda arche in indonesia, or sri lanka. as for the tribal wars in africa, these sorts of things have been goin on for a long time, and some of these "tribal wars" are actually militant ruled dictatorships (take a look at zimbabwe with robert mugabe). And civil war is most definately different to shooting at a rescue helecopter, when there is no war

    Maybe i was to harsh to say only in america, but for these things to happern in a civilised country, one of the worlds "super-powers" is disconcerting to say the least.

    It took up to 6 weeks to get supplies, money, food and task forces to go down to indonesia and sri lanka, and ever government was criticized for either not doing enough, taking too long, or not donating enough. The first week was this constant bidding between countries wanting to donate money and it kept going higher almost like it was a contest to see who could outbid each other. I was actually glad to hear the Americans sent a ship down to Sri Lanka from its current post in Iraq. And last time I checked, no one has gotten ANY of the supplies or food in Sri Lanka. The even more dumb thing was the Sri Lankan government said they wanted to distribute it all themselves. Next time (if there is a next time) we should tell them that we are going to distribute it ourselves, since it's our resources we're donating.

    How do you know there was no violence after the tsunami in those countries? It's fine to rely on the news, but the fact is, they can't report and tell you everything.

    Maybe i was to harsh to say only in america, but for these things to happern in a civilised country, one of the worlds "super-powers" is disconcerting to say the least.

    Being a superpower doesn't mean when disaster strikes you're going to be the most civilized nation. When the definition of superpower first came into play it referred to technology (i.e the atom bomb) Oh, and when the subway attacks happened, what's this crap about Brits seeking out Muslims and beating them, killing them and vandalizing their place of worship? That's definitly not cool. Think of it as the opposite; it's like all the people in a middle-eastern country seeking out and killing people who believe in catholiscism because some self-prophet kool-aid drinking nutcase caused some terrorist operation. See how ridiculous it sounds?


  4. Personally I don't think even the best dike/levy system could have prevented this.

    I don't know about that. There have been dams built to block water in the world that are much stronger than those levy systems. I don't know what those levys are made of but from the looks of it, its almost like giant cement walls. If that's true, you're not going to stop a surge of water at rapid speeds. The Netherlands had a lot of rain a few years ago and they're still trying to get the dyke system correct. If a hurricane hit them, they'd be toast. The Netherlands are also at sea level last I checked, whereas New Orleans is below sea level sitting in a bowl, which I am sure causes more problems.

    To compare their conduct to the Challenger and Columbia shuttle tragedies is a low blow and insulting to their professional conduct.

    Agreed. It's not even comparible. The "clumbsyness" was a mechanical error which tends to happen when dealing with still a new technology. What did you want to see, Superman or Mighty Mouse to save the day as it was falling? How do you want the government to act when they cannot prevent an explosion in mid-air? Even if you build a guitar carefully, taking your time, making sure you follow everything correctly, there is still a chance, a small percentage that you may make a mistake and don't notice it until you're playing it one day. How prepared do you want things to be? It's not easy ordering thousands of people around when they have no money, home, food, water, or medicine and expecting them to listen. The one thing I am pissed off about is that a hurricane this devistating has been forseen for the last few years, and if they chose to believe it, the technology which many of us rely on, then maybe, just maybe they could've had a few years to increase the size and stability of the levys. Then again, I am just talking theory.


  5. Nitefly SA: The uber metal can do it. It covers all bases - high gain overdrive, high gain distortion, and thick peavey 5150 distortion. Go to line 6 site and listen to preview clips of it. Speaking of which, I finally got to try a 5150 (sorry, I mean 6505 lol) and if you really want that type of distortion, you should just get the uber metal. The big difference? The 6505 is more warm (hence the tubes), feedbacks like crazy, and is not as high-gained.

    If you're not going to want to cover all the bases you can go for the Boss metal zone, or the pro-co rat. In the end, there's going to be disagreements and only YOU can be the judge as to what you like and want. It's almost like the whole Ovation debate. No one can tell you what the best is. If you want to dish out a few bucks a nice preamp would work. The marshall JMP-1 sounds excellent from the clips I have heard.

    Hopefully in the next few days I can go try a bogner uberschall. Listening to the clips makes me crave it even more.


  6. What really pisses me off about all this is that US FEMA predicted over the last couple of years that a major hurricane is very likely to devastate New Orleans and the gulf, and identified this as THE major risk to the US, more than any terrorist attack or earthquake. If you want an article on that, pm me and I'll dig it up for you.

    All this technology and resources is then put to waste, and ignored. The national guard is stating to CNN that they wish they were more prepared. I don't know about you, but I'd take a terrorist attack any day over a level 3+ hurricane, especially since Toronto has only been hit by a hurricane once and I wasn't even born yet.

  7. What you're asking doesn't really help. What style of music do you play?

    Digitech DF-7 = I haven't tried it, but I have heard preview clips and I'd say forget it.

    Boss DS-1 = Good price, sounds good, but I wouldn't recommend it for metal. If you crank all the knobs and do finger tapping it sounds like a distorted nintendo. Good for everyday classic rock stuff to modern day rock (nickleback for example)

    Boss Metal Master = Boss doesn't make a metal master as far as I know. I think you're thinking of digitech. I own one of these and it's pretty damn nice and covers all the distortion bases I need. It mods a boss metal zone and a pro-co ratt.

    DOD or Digitech Grunge = My girlfriend has one. It sounds really beefy and if you want lots of bass go with this instead of the boss ds-1

    Digitech Death Metal = I haven't tried it but I have heard mixed reviews

    Line6 crunchtone = haven't tried it or heard any reviews

    Line6 uber metal = the best metal pedal I've heard and tried. It has 2 built in noise gates. If you want anything more beefy and distorted than this, be prepared to buy an amp head.

    I have tried the Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde. It is a really nice pedal but it's not the distortion or overdrive I am looking for. I cranked the bloody thing and it sounds like a solando. I don't know how Russ is getting death metal lol

    The proco rat is sweet. It sounds like a beefy Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde when cranked. I would rather get the proco rat than the Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde.

    I did try the Boss metal zone. I tried it side by side in the same amp as the Metal Master and I chose the metal master. The metal zone is good but not great. Personally I find boss pedals to lack something which could be the reason why Boss is the number 1 modded pedal lol.

    Like I said, I don't know what music you're playing and all, but if you play blues, classic rock, hard modern rock, early metal, and thick nu-metal, go with a Boss OD-20. I had one but I didn't like it (my boss theory lol), and I didn't need to cover that many basses.

    for metal = metal master or uber metal

    for classic rock = ds-1

    for modern rock = dr. jekel... or digitech grunge

    for metal, classic rock, modern rock, overdrive, high-gain overdrive, crunch, fuzz, blues, blah blah blah = boss od-20

    If you have lots of money, buy an amp head, like a Bogner Uberschall :D I REALLY want to try one of those bad boys.


  8. I'm not the only one though. Torres engineering has a mod to fix it because they got emails asking how to fix the mud in it. It's true, it's really muddy. It sounds like a low-gain solando lol. One guy mentioned getting a booster but I don't use the overdrive. If it were up to me I'd take the clean only! lol

    I like your sig vankirk :D


  9. Here you go guys. I'll check around because there was a whole website dedicated to this but it's intense.


    EDIT: Here's where I heard it before. My dad listens to this show. Now I know a lot of the crap on this show is just laughable, but when you hear about this on the Discovery channel, you have to give it a second look.

    http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2005/01/21.html small article here.







    There lol. All but the last 2 are small blurbs about it. What really pisses me off about natural disasters is we have all this technology that monitor but no one wants to do anything about it until after the fact. Maybe I should run for office :D


  10. Don't know what national media you are watching, but here in Toronto they showed a few shots from the air and interviewed a few people wandering the street. In the next few hours or tonight or tomorrow we're supposed to get hit, though it won't be as bad of course. I heard that part of the wall that blocks out the water gave way, which doesn't surprise me. Hopefully there is no next time, but after the clean up and during the rebuild I hope they follow through and make the wall more durable and build it higher.

    I was watching this show on Discovery a few months ago about all these Scientists talking about some volcano which is eroding in Western Africa, and in the next century half of it will fall into the ocean causing a massive tsunami on the Eastern coast of North America which would hit in roughly 22 hours. It apparently would be so huge that it would hit New York, New Orleans and a bunch of other cities. If I find an article or webpage on that I'll post it. Dunno why this made me think of it lol.

    I don't pray but I hope everyone is okay down there in The United States and everything goes well.


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