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Posts posted by sepultura999

  1. I think the forum is fine the way it is.

    When talking to someone in person, it's easier to tell if they are joking or not, whereas on the internet you can't tell, it's all just words and we make it as we see it.

    I couldn't care less if there was a "fun" section. I am here to learn about guitars, and read up about guitars. If I want to talk about fun, I'll do it with someone I can actually have a conversation with, less than 10 feet away from me.

    I am not afraid, because I am not doing anything wrong, and if I was, I would expect the warning that the mods said they would give. So either they are lieing, or I am the nicest guy ever :D

    Yes I have posted in topics regarding politics and religion, however out of the few times I have, there have been other times where I wanted to post even more.

    Yes there has been some bad events happening on this forum, but shouldn't a forum expect that? There was litchfield, before my time, and recently GSR and the guy who registered under a name insulting Drak (is that blasphemy to the PG Gods? lol) but that's why we have mods, and they are dealing with them. Don't let one apple spoil the whole bunch. If people have a problem and leave, that's fine, there are 6 billion people in the world, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt PG if a few left now and then.

    Also, people should not confuse (and it can be hard sometimes) honesty with an attack.



  2. Make sure you're trying guitars as well. The BC Rich looks awesome, but looks can be deceiving, hence why I think the platinum series suck lol.

    Warmoth is costly, but for the price of an NJ series you could get a warmoth made neck and body, and maybe enough money to get gear with it (pickups, etc). All you have to do is put it together and paint it.

    Remember all the guitar bodies on warmoth are made so that Fender necks fit, with few exceptions (make sure you read carefully). You can always buy a warmoth body, and then buy an economy neck for 45 bucks American from Brian at universaljems.com. At least I think those economy necks fit.


  3. In that case, go with a travel guitar and save up for an NJ series.

    I know you're hungry for guitars and all, believe me.

    I almost bid on a 5150 amp head, 2 marshal cabinets, 4-5 pieces of rack gear, and a jackson soloist that sold all together for 1600. The guy didn't want to ship, only local pickup, and if I bid and won, I would've had to drive 8 hours to some town in Quebec. Good deal? I'd say so. However, I have other things I'm planning to invest in, like a new computer for recording, and recording gear, and stuff like that.

    The next guitar I get will be the one I plan on building in the next few weeks.

    If you're really wanting a guitar, why not use warmoth?

  4. Jay Tursers are made of basswood as far as I know. You might as well go for a Sanatoga.

    Seriously, save your money. Wes said he's had horrible experience with BC Rich Platinums, and to be honest, they all look like garbage. I haven't found agathis to be a nice wood. I tried a bc rich platinum virgo, with one humbucker and one hotrails in the neck. It's garbage and I don't find hotrails to sound like humbuckers, they are thicker sounding than single coils but not like humbuckers imo. I also think they should just put the stupid humbucker in the neck, there's enough room. The squire I tried a few weeks ago is a lot better than the bc rich virgo imo.

    I haven't tried an NJ series, but out of them all, save up for an NJ series, whether it has a speedloader or not. Wes has had good results with them.

    From Canada



    Yes that second link from Canada is for a platinum series lol. It's your call, I'm just helping you out.

    From USA



    Keep looking, you'll find one. Don't get all overwhelmed because of everything you see. Also, it will be helpful to actually have your own ebay account. Just ask your dad and sign up with his card (make sure he gives you permission! lol).


  5. Did you see the Rhoads style V on the site?

    The reason why they are cheap is probably because they are made in China.

    The best thing is, if you recieve the guitar, and you hate the feel or something isn't right (loose frets, crappy paint job, etc.) you can return it, and they'll give you your money back including shipping.


  6. Some of the earlier tokais I think are also worth just as much as american made fenders, however if that's way off, the guy selling it in his store is a moron lol.

    Orville also made some good Les Paul copies, but they are pricey.

    If you really want a cheap six string why not go with Agile? There guitars are cheap all around. I hear mixed reviews, but I also hear mixed reviews on every company. The best thing with Agile is that if you don't like the guitar you can return it within 30 days it arrived at your house, and you don't have to tell them why.

    Go to rondomusic.net and thats where you can view what they have and you can order from there.

  7. i havent tried it lol, but i think it looks better than that jay turser POS lol. The morons at silvertone should've left the dots in the center, and made the neck like Gibsons. The body is symetrical, so why does the whole neck have to suck?

    What kind of cheap 6 string guitar are you looking for?

    If you really want a POS 6 string and you dont care for looks, check ebay for brands like harmony, silvertone (older ones), teisco, kay, kingston, airline, eko - and there are a few more.


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