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Everything posted by arew43

  1. I was thinking of seeing if I could put some of these or something like it in the trem block of a strat tremolo. I'd probably have to make a cover that can come off to tune it, but I'd deal with it for the looks. I also don't really know how the strings load so I'd have to figure that out also. Thanks for the Mosrite suggestion stereordinary, I'd heard of them but couldn't find any parts. I don't like the looks of the jaguar trem, but I'm loving the Mosrite. Don't know how it works but maybe I can get it too work headless.
  2. Thanks for the help 7even X² , is there somewhere that explains the difference between Fender 'vintage' and 'two point' systems. I don't have anything against Fender tremolos and that's what I've been looking at since it's the only one I know with a cover. I also figured since the Yamaha I had was a cheap $80 copy and I never had any tuning issues, a real strat bridge should be at least equal or better. The other issue would be whether or not I'm able ,or if it's worth, going headless. I'm just trying to look at all my options
  3. Is there also a cover for the tremolo on Jazzmasters/Jaguars?
  4. Hello all, I am designing a guitar for myself and would like suggestions regarding whammy bars. I would like to add a tremolo (vibrato) bar so I can detune chords as I play. I don't do any kind of shredding so I don't really need a floating trem. I also would like something that has the option of a bridge cover for looks. I used to have one of the Yamaha fat strats that did that and never went out of tune on me and I never had to worry about it when changing strings, so I'm looking for something simple like that. One more thing, I would like to do a headless guitar. I'm sure I could figure something out, but it'd be easier if it was already built for that.
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