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Posts posted by 1nf1d3l

  1. the only problem that i see is keeping the edges of your stained character from running into the wood and blurring.  you might think about painting the figure that you want with a slightly thinned down paint that would flow well and flatten out but not run and then do your transluscent over it and then top coat it.

    well, i was actually thinking of cutting the design in with a razor so that the stain will stay contained, would that work or no? i know thats one way your supposed to keep a stain from going where you dont want it to..

  2. I don't really like it, but:

    a) my opinion is (and SHOULD be!) irrelevant

    B) lots of guitars that I didn't initially like, I now love!

    The only thing that really concerns me is the proximity of the upper cutaway "horn" to the neck.  I really think it'll get in the way.



    actually, i was a bit worried about that cutaway a little myself, but since this is drawn on what would be the "back" of the guitar (since im right handed and all), it wouldnt do anything even if it WAS close. but i did a check, and its actually got about an inch clearance, so its all good :D

  3. ok... this idea just kinda popped into my head.

    lets say i was going to do a darker translucent paint, like purple or black. one thing i kinda want to do with my guitar is maybe stain a word or maybe a simple design into it, and then do the paint over it. if i stained it dark enough under the paint, would it be.. see-able through the paint..? on my project.. i was thinking of doing a chinese letter for something or another in black stain and then doing a translucent purple over it. is there anything special that might have to be done, or would it just .. NOT turn out?



  4. weeeell. i AM doing this design now, with a few minor changes here and there to "bring it together" a little better.. i also added lines inside the guitar giving me an idea of where id have to cut if i do a thru body*see pic*, but i have to find a neck before i do that, so... OFF TO EBAY, and to email soulmate to get a price for a thrubody. id LOVE to do one.. but if its too expensive.. then i might have to settle for a bolt-on, which isnt really a problem.. but the string thru just sounds more appealing to me i guess...


  5. You dont need to have baritone length for a 7-stringer. Id go with 25.5in.

    .. what would i need if i did seven strings and dropped it 3 (or two and a half, depending on how you look at it lol) steps so that.. the first 6 would be B standard and the 7th string is.. wait.. what WOULD the 7th string be if i did that.. ?


    The standard guitar tuning cycle is this:

    E a d g b E a d g b E a d g b

    It's a cycle of 5 pitches in order. Since a guitar is six strings, it repeats the first chosen note once. So, if you want a seven string, you'd get the following, low to high - in standard tuning

    B E A D G B E

    Basically normal with one lower cycle on low string. If you're tunining the entire thing so each string is one less, then you want to go for the lowest seven strings of an 8 string guitar in standard tuning.

    G B E A D G B

    That'd be your seven string tuning dropped a full string in the standard tuning.

    But, you have a second option. Instead of going with standard tuning of a guitar, dropped one full string with a low seventh - you could go with the guitars standard INTERVALS, not the actual pitch tunes.

    The intervals are, of course:

    Perfect 4th - Perfect 4th - Perfect 4th - Major Third - Perfect 4th

    Or, if you don't know what that means.

    up 5 notes - up 5 notes - up 5 notes - up 4 notes - up 5 notes

    So you could go that route, starting from any point. I think both are your options - and you might experiment with them. One will give you standard power chord shapes, the other might provide you better chord forms, and more familiar lead lines.

    PS: Sorry if one of the notes/intervals in this is wrong I am doing this off top of my head.

    that was an unnessasary tangent. thanks for tryin to help, but i was just tryin to get the right note off the top o my head, and as you can see, we got it. :D:D

    PS: im droppin two and a half (or three depending on how you look at it) steps on the 1st-6th strings and the seventh string down another step. so it would be E.

  6. F#

    for that i agree that 27" would probably be a good idea.  25.5" would still work, but it depends on how much tension you like and what size strings you'll use.

    id use probably 13 - 65 if i could. but i use that(13-56 without that 7th string) in drop B, so id probably do 15-70 for this.. to keep the tension a tad loose

    and in drop tuning that would be... Fb/E# right?

    wow.. thats really low..... 7 string it is i think.. id love to have that extra string.. whoooooweeee :D

  7. You dont need to have baritone length for a 7-stringer. Id go with 25.5in.

    .. what would i need if i did seven strings and dropped it 3 (or two and a half, depending on how you look at it lol) steps so that.. the first 6 would be B standard and the 7th string is.. wait.. what WOULD the 7th string be if i did that.. ?


  8. ive decided on teh "wavy" design. but the question remains.. 7 strings... or 6? if i do 7, ill probably grab me the carvin 7 string buckers and do a hipshot bridge. still the purple, seethru purple, or seethru black finish though..

    anyone have any recomandations for scale? i kinda wanted to do a baritone, but the necks are hard to come by, and if i do a sevenstringer, itll almost have to be. 27" too much?

    and im going to eventually need to get ahold of a killswitch. would i have to use a special switch, and is the wiring sceme crazy or no.. i have a little electronic knowledge, but id guess you hook it up like you would to the volume pot, and then if i DID add a volume, run it to that and then to the output?\

    and could i cut the "leader" design (to follow when im drawing it on the wood) on cardboard or something? or would i need a harder material?

    im sooo anxious to get her started!! with my gramps moved into his new house now, i oughta be able to get her cut out this weekend, maybe even draw the router plans onto her :DB):D

    now wheres matt..? i need that crazy metalheads input!! lol

  9. <asbestos suit>

    The RG is nothing more than an overpriced, cheaply made, imported, bASSwood hot-rod copy of the otherwise excellent Stratocaster. The JEM is an even more overpriced, cheaper-made, still imported, still bASSwood hot-rod copy superstrat.

    </asbestos suit>

    Feel the BURN!!

    and mine plays better than pretty much any guitar ive ever played :D

  10. man, ill tell you right now. you are NOT going to be able to get a baritone legnth neck that extreme and tune standard. the only thing I can think of that hasnt been said, is toss on the room you need to the neck, and if you REALLY need that eadgbe tuning, take her down an octave. yea, itll be bassy as hell, but thats about all youre gonna be able to do. make it a 30 inch, or even go to 32 or 34, and tune down a full octave to "bass" eadgbe.

  11. man.. i have the SAME exact problem.. i cant play leads worth a Sh**, but im probably one of the better rythm guitarists in the area. i really wish i could play leads though... DAMN MY FINGER SPEED... :D

    i can play fast rythms without a prob, but as soon as i need to blaze a little sheddy stuff, i cant do it... :D

  12. I'd betcha a set neck is very possible. Give the boys at Soulmate Guitars a call; they might be able to help you out.

    !! those are the dudes doing matts impalers neck!! hmm.. ill toss an email their way, check the prices, MAYBE ill do that 7string... hmmm.. :D .. we shall see.

    and i see that my ml/rr design is well liked :D ... im just not sure i want to play with my beloved tribute design and risk f'ing it up... B)

  13. I'm really not a fan of V guitars, but for some reason, I like this one. One of the things that you can do to keep from wasting wood is to chop it up a bit.  You have a lot of areas of blank wood, so instead of cutting the body out of the blank, chop up the blank into smaller pieces. then layout the wood in the general shape of the guitar. Creative clamping and gluing, but very doable. I hope that was clear, if not I'll try to sketch it out later.

    that would hurt the structural intergity of the guitar though im afraid.. these guitars arent going to be sitting in padding.. ill be usin them, and to hack apart the wood and have the grains going in different directions, to me that would be bad.. and since i plan to do a transparent finish, itd look crappy too. i thought of doin that, but i think im gonna wait with the v. i want that one to be peeerfect, and my first project isnt going to be perfect. so i believe ill do the second one.

    nothings certain yet though my good men, i probably wont start the cutting for at least a week, since i have to do it at my grandpas, and i have school, and am busy already tommorow

    BTW: about the top, glue it first, then cut? or cut then glue and trim?

  14. oh btw :D - im buying neck, im nooooowhere near confident enough to build my own :D ..

    set neck would be VERY cool though, but would it be more expesive or not?

    its gonna be a single pickup at the bridge, and probably a TOM... what are the non trem ones that ibanez uses on their rg series? i like those looks wise and they sound nice.

    im thinkin about doin maybe... 25 or 25 1/2 scale, maybe even a baritone, but ill decide that when i buy the neck.

    probably going to use a bill lawrence l-500 if i can get one, or a carvin m22t or m22sd. toss a kill switch and MAYBE a volume on it.

    should i be daring and go 7 string? or keep it simple and stay at 6... id LOVE a 7 string, but that would take some rethinking of the parts and the design..

    and for paint, i want to do either a really dark solid or transparent purple( the mahogany might look nice with that, idk), or transparent black.

    and itll probably be 24 frets, even though i dont use those extra three all that much B)

    ill probably top it off with some contouring for whichever route i go, but im still undecided as to which model i want to build.. i love the rhoads-dime mix, but it IS a waste of wood for my first time i think.. but, i DO love the design.. and it would look badass onstage, but the wavey pointy one (i had a name but i cant recall it :D ) is preeeetty cool itself

  15. i -WANT- to do a guitar like this, but its a v, and itd waste a loooot of wood...


    but i drew this one up, and its pretty cool lookin i think..


    aaand this one... which is a bit more complicated that the last two


    but ive got my alder and mahogony all together now.

    should i glue toe top on now, or wait till after i cut the basic shape outta the alder?

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