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Posts posted by GuitarMan686

  1. :D dudes in need of some tuners only problem is I am looking for gold with diagonal inserts to fit my old Epiphone neck. Ive seen schallers and gotoh's with the diagonal inserts but none in gold. If anyone knows of any companys that make them please let me know.

    Also I have been working on my staining my flat body lespaul in dark walnut but

    every time i stain it i cant seem to get a smooth coat with out any blotches or dust in the paint. Any ideas?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! B):D

  2. Hello guitar brothers and sisters around the globe. I want to find out what are some of the best sounding pickups out their. I play alot of blues, jazz, classic rock, and metal. I need a really nice crisp and clean rhythm and a treble that can give me the crunch i need with out being to muddy. A lot of people are bad mouthing dimarizo and seymour duncan. Are there any really good unknown pickup companys out there? Any help will be greatly appreciated. :DB)

  3. I am currently refinishing an Epiphone les paul. I have stripped the paint off and to my surprise the wood is not all that bad. Only problem is that the sides are layered.

    I have decided that I am not going to strip the neck because it would be difficult and it is in perfect condition. What I want to do is maybe keep the neck black and stain the sides black. From the sides i want the black to go around the body about one inch across the top and the back and then fade into a light woodstain. Sort of like a sunburst. I have no clue about how I go about doing this. Please Help! Any info will be greatly appreciated! :D

  4. Yeah. I definitly dont want to mess up the project it means alot to me.

    If i cant veneer the sides then what should i do?

    Just staining the sides wont work because the body is layered and wont look to good. Someone suggested sunbursting the sides but i dont know how

    the hell you go about doing that. All the info is helping. Thanks!!!!!

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