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  1. I'm embarrassed to ask... The Klusons look pretty easy to put on my strat neck. I just want to make sure I did it right. Before anyone starts....I ran the search engine and found many opinions on tuning machines....just no advice on installing! Maybe I used the wrong "tuning Key"words! Ha!! (I know...terrible joke) Anyone give me a brief ideas on how to do this...or a site that has pretty pictures for those of us who no read good? Any input would be appreciated. Guitarman
  2. Thanks all, Great replies that help me have a more informed conversation with someone who knows more about this sort of thing than I. Bowser....you take a great picture. Guitarman
  3. Unusual question, People here always talk about the right way to begin and complete a project. Years back I made the mistake of getting a crappy tech to switch bodies on an old strat of mine....the body wasn't original but the neck IS an original 1972. The thing has always had intonation problems and upon closer inspection....I think the durn neck is on wrong!! The high E-string almost leaves the neck past the 12th fret...looks fine near the first fret. I'm taking this to a GOOD tech on Monday......but I'm just WONDERING When some pinhead puts the neck on wrong....can it be corrected using the same body?? OR do you have to get a new body to avoid weakening the neck joint?? I'm worried!! Any information or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Guitarman p.s. It's my own fault....I should have realized the guy was a dunce when he tried to tell me that ALL the wiring has to be re-done when moving a strat pickguard (not just the input jack and ground). I did not let him convince me....but I should have laughed, and walked right then.
  4. Thank you Godin. You really summed up my dilemma well....I would love the HEAT of the Seymour quarter pounders (without cheese) and if I could defeat ridiculous hum....all the better. GREAT website about shielding....detailed with good descriptions of EVERY step taken for a newb like me. I'm more and more amazed with the innovations and ideas surrounding the improvement of such a simple guitar as the strat. Great reply bud! Guitarman p.s. One member of my band had a Godin, then switched to a Les Paul....now Gibson's are damn fine guitars....but he says he misses the Godin! Now that is an honest compliment.
  5. Thanks DOC!!!!! Much appreciated..... I will be talking with my pal the guitar tech soon.
  6. Looks good, I had a candy-apple Red Hamer explorer when I was younger....gradually wore the paint off the rear-horn bumping into things. Then switched to other guitars for convenience.... Just picked up an epiphone explorer in a music store...and amazingly...it felt just like the old one and I could not believe how comfortable I was. Like riding a bike...it felt SO familiar. good for you. this is still one of the coolest shapes going. And I have to wonder....does that much wood make for a better sound??? I gotta wonder. GREAT JOB!!! Guitarman
  7. Ha! Thanks for the replies, I think my strat might need some shielding..... Forgive me...but are the hot stacks really noiseless?? I gotta look into that. Thanks again, guitarman
  8. Yep Another personal attack. Clearly someone is upset (over nothing). I'm not going anywhere. Read silvertonessuckbutigotone to see someone who posts with class. Flamers are inconsequential. Guitarman
  9. Ha ha ha!! Well put!!! Do you know of a hot strat pickup that still sounds like a single coil, without making enough noise to sound like a frickin blender!!!!! I have a hot dimarzio now that sounds GREATTTTT, but when not playing,...the noise is ridiculous. I'd love to hear about a single coil that is hot, but does not make a ton of noise. Perhaps the fast-tracks or the hot rails??? I dunno. Thanks for the cool reply. Guitarman
  10. Lord Stratomaster.... I tried to make a similar point and got nowhere. It was never my intention to try and turn anyone off the guy. That can't be done anyway!! THANK YOU for pointing out the overwhelming effort to buy everything that SRV had. And NO...I do NOT know why people do get so upset about bringing those things up. Careful....they will be calling you a troll soon. YAH!!! The guy is talented. No doubt. The SRV wannabe thing talked me out of buying one of his cds. Still.... Silvertonessuckbutigotone makes an interesting point. He is singing on his newest work, and there is an effort to not use the exact same rig as Stevie anymore. I did a little homework and there has been a bit of a shake up. Perhaps his new stuff is a welcome departure from the guitar hero worship of the past. To the people that have both albums....are they night and day, or are they quite similar?? Interested to know if it is worth my money!! I have very little of that lately. Thanks again Stratomaster......another poster proving they can have a point of view, that differs from another person....and they don't make any personal attacks. Guitarman
  11. Silvertonessuckbutigotone I just wanted to thank you for being so respectful with your posts about KWS. I thought you were eloquent and very polite. While other people took it personally and tried to put me down (like some high school clique) you disagreed politely and made some damn fine points. I think I might have been too hard on the lad. I STILL think that guitarists are a little too eager to follow fashion.....but we can agree to disagree. We are both secure enough!! You are a good man. Thanks, Guitarman ADMIN EDIT: This belongs in email or PM. Next time, please do so. This post will be deleted soon.
  12. Westheman (Westheimer) You played the trump card!!! Good for you! You took your ball and went home. I made a great point that identified what silvertonessuckbutigot one did Namely-respond respectfully and deal with the issue. He dealt with the issues I mentioned and made a great point. We don't see eye to eye, but he can respond to the issue instead of calling me a troll or insulting my intelligence or calling me ignorant. and you and Drak just tried to discredit me and MAKE it personal. Nice to see that if you lose, you will pull the thread. The only person who made this matter a personal one....is you. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are a coward. SILVERTONES- You are a respectful poster and I thought your last post made a lot of sense. You are welcome to write me and disagree with me any time you want. At least you know how to have a discussion. To anyone else who can read this.... DO NOT EVER DISAGREE WITH A POINT OF VIEW, WRITE ABOUT SUNSHINE AND PUPPIES NEVER STAND UP TO OTHER MEMBERS WHO TRY TO PUT YOU DOWN INSTEAD OF DEAL WITH THE ISSUES And most of all NEVER SAY YOU DONT LIKE AN ARTIST THAT THE MODERATOR LIKES. There....agree with westheimer all the time and it will all go fine. Now you know the rules. Guitarman
  13. Drak, We are not too far apart on this one. Going back and reading the posts to see how people got so out of shape about this...I noticed three things. 1. The biggest KWS fans are the ones accusing (a flame in it's own right?) me of trying to start trouble. And now I have to defend myself? Truth is you don't know my motives and even though I write them down...you are not looking for them. Pretty arrogant to declare my motives for me. 2. You said almost exactly what I said..read your quote that I am posting from the third post of the thread. (Never used the quote option...hope it works). And by your own admission....I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS OPINION. Many have criticized the guy for the SRV worship/copyright infringement. 3. You take off points for relic'ed strats.....me too. I think it is posing as well. See we see eye to eye on things!! All I know is that if this guy does not want to sound like SRV he REALLY went out of his way to get EVERY specific effect and equipment needed. Come on now!! If you say that his sound has changed, fine....your word is good enough. Seriously!!! Westheman Nice sarcasm being put into play. For someone against flaming, you are pretty good at it! I'm informed enough to read the artists critics and interested/informed enough to read an article about him when he was a young man. Informed enough to buy a new magazine that explains where he has been and his battle with booze. New edition. You are a fan...give it a read!! Interesting stuff. One of the rules of a discussion (when people had respect for each other) was to carefully consider what the other person was saying and see if there was some merit in the point. This is not the same as carefully reading a post looking for something to grab and try to discredit or put-down the other person to try and further your point. It is a juvenile thing to do. From what I read about the man I formed an opinion. It happens to be the opinion of many of his critics. If you think the point is not valid. Cool. Say that, instead of...."you just don't know enough". Would it be so wrong to say "Really?? I hear something different. It is the same genre, but there are a few techniques that really differ from SRV. Try listening to [insert song here] you will notice [observation here]" See...that is being respectful and still disagreeing. You may be absolutely right and I might be absolutely wrong. But you have to do a little better than that. Make a point....I was accused of not participating...but I have my reasons, I have my point and I don't mind disagreement, or even if I am proven wrong. Most of all. It's kind of unfair to accuse someone of being uninformed if they don't see things your way, and it is REALLY unjust to accuse someone of being a troublemaker because they have a different way of thinking. I guess Ned Steinberger is a heretic of the greatest degree. Look forward to reading you on less sensitive subjects....if there are any! Guitarman
  14. Westhemann, I KNEW as soon as I typed that I had not heard KWS (Except for the Gap commercial I think he did) it would seem strange to have an opinion. so...I tried to explain. As I said...it's a pet peeve. I was interested enough to read the interview and I didn't think about the "SRV-clone" controversy until I read about the guy's set up. I am not kidding when I say it was EXACTLY the same as Stevie Ray Vaughn's (I was far milder on my first post). It even included some pedal with an unusual name (can't remember!!) and at that moment......I was turned off. To be fair to the man....that was some time ago. Maybe he has found his own voice!?!? Surely you can understand having a guitar hero, and then reading about someone who is just duplicating and it would turn you off?!??? I thought I would bring up the issues of originality, conformity and complacency and maybe...just maybe...someone else might have noticed it, or thought to themselves (oh yeah...I remember when people made fun of me because I thought a Fender Squire I tried felt and sounded ok! ) It is only an opinion that I have. It is something that I find distasteful and a little sad. I guess I look at a guy like Jimi Hendrix who was an innovator and all these years later...people keep looking backwards instead of forwards. Really makes me wonder what he would have accomplished if he was still alive. That was a guy not afraid to try new things and follow the beat of his own drum. Just some things to think about. Nothing more. Guitarman
  15. Drak, Don't get your panties in a bunch sweetie!! If you don't see things my way that's ok!! I would be surprised if everyone shared the same point of view. After all....there are a ton of sheep-like guitarists who faithfully follow the fashion (whatever it may be) and it should come as no surprise if some of the followers don't like having their conformity mentioned. Very nice of you to invite me off the forum. Very classy. DEFINITELY laid back!! (Really laughing). Oh and the name calling....VERY laid back. LET IT GO!! Guitarman p.s. are there any other forums I am not allowed to post on, or are there any other subjects that are just too frightening to mention? On what subjects must we all agree? It is hard to keep it straight and say only what everyone likes to hear. p.p.s. Look at my other posts and see the tone. OR just make a knee-jerk judgement...your call.
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