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Posts posted by Lizard_King

  1. If someone would have asked me 2 years ago I would have said that I hate Tele's, Strat's, and also Les Paul's. But as I have advanced musically I find that all three have unique(spelling?!?) tones to them.

    I love Tele's now, I just like the way they feel, the tone they have. Not much for Metallica and such, but for classic, and southern rock, blues and even country music they sound great. And rank really high in my opinion.

    I also made the comment to my uncle when he bought a tele that I would never own one, well now I own three. Two I should say because the third is a Washburn tele style. Black body with red binding. Replaced the Washburn pickups with Fender Tele P-ups. Sounds great and playes great.

    Strat's and LP's also rank really high in my book though. :D

  2. I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to tell me a few of the advantages and disadvantages of having a scalloped fretboard. I'm interested in doing this to a couple of my guitars basically because I like the look of a scalloped board, but I would like to know some pros and cons of it before I dig in and do something I might not like. :D

  3. I just sent him an email and I'm waiting for a reply. Hopefully he will be able to give me a little more advice on the subject. Thank you DannoG. And I would also like to think everyone else that has replied to my topic, any more information you could possibly provide on the woods I have mentioned(hickory,cherry.walnut, and red oak) would be greatly appericiated. Thank you for your help. As soon as I decide on a wood I will be posting progress picks. :D

  4. My Washburn I have had these Samshin humbuckers in it, great sounding pickups. I play through a Fender Original "65 Twin Reverb 2X12 and it sounds great. Not much of a hiss but has a great bluesy/southern/classic rock tone to them. (If that sounds right lol) Bridge had 4 conductor wires and neck had 2 conductor wires. I couldn't find a wiring diagram for them at all, and no other pickup I have seen has the same color code as these pickups so I played hit or miss and now have the bridge set up the way I wanted it but it took a couple hours to figure it out. Hope that helps some :D

  5. How about a neck through, walnut/cherry/walnut neck body would be cherry/walnut/cherry/walnut/cherry (with neck and wings all attached). Would this be a good combo? Heard that walnut and cherry both give warm tones, as far as I could tell from reading reviews on other sites about them both.

    I'm still trying to find out about the hickory, can anyone help? Thanks in advance :D

  6. That's what I'm going for is a warm tone but a little bright at the sametime. I like the walnut as well though. I think my first stop I'll pick up enough cherry for a guitar and enough walnut to make another guitar.

    What about hickory? Would it be alright to use in for a guitar? He also has red oak sitting around that he said I could just have if I want it. Any ideas? I've heard people say that oak isn't good for building guitars with, but I've also heard other people say that it works fairly well. I'm just trying to get a general idea.

    As far as burl goes, he said he could get it for me but it would be a month from now. Which wouldn't be bad but I also asked him if I could go with him when he picks it up. That way I can see what I'm getting or moreless pick through what the other guy has and choose what I like the best. B)

    He's giving me some prices that I can't refuse. lol Never thought I would find good quality wood at a decent price. Open for suggestions. :D

  7. The wood is all planed and smoothed out, for the most part free of worm holes, knots, and pitch pockets. It has been kiln dried and he told me that it was at 7% give or take 1%. He told me it is perfect for luthier work and knows of other people that have bought it from him to use on guitars. I think it's a sweet hookup myself lol. He also told me he could get just about any type of wood I wanted including veneers, figured wood, and possibly even burls. But I have to let him know in advance that way he can look for it and give me a price and time that I can pick it up.

    I'm pretty excites about this now can't wait to go pick up some of the wood and dig in. I agree with you, I wouldn't want to spend alot of money on wood that I would have to let sit for an extended period of time in order to be able to use it. :D

  8. Thanks for the help everyone. I'm thinking about doing a hickory/walnut neck with an ebony or rosewood fret board. What wood could I put on the front and/or back to take away some of the brightness? I'm going with SD Pealy Gates, was thinking that they might take away some of the brightness. Am I correct to assume this or not?

    Lovely guitar Wes. love the bocote on it. Thanks for the info on calculating board feet.

    Any and all help will be greatly appericiated. I won't be painting this a solid color, I'm going to either stain or dye it haven't decided on which yet. Will keep everyone up to date on this project. :D

  9. I'm not sure if I missed something or what but you got 4 planks of 1/4 inch wood for the body of the guitar? IF you glue it together it's only going to be like an inch thick.....Are you planning on putting a top on it? What kind of wood did you buy? I'm not sure what you're going for so please let us know. :D

  10. Alright I just got off of the phone with a friend of my dads and he told me he could get me all the cherry I could use for like $4.00/bf. Some of it is flat sawn some is 1/4 sawn, in thicknesses that range from 1/4 inch up to 3 inches. I was wondering what kind of tone it would give? And how do you figure up how many board feet you will need in a guitar body. The guy also has Hickory, and Walnut that he said I could have as well. And told me that in about a month he can get me as much hard maple as I could use at a reasonable price. Any ideas? Tone? Would I need to put a top on it? :D

  11. Stripped down a washburn to refinish, once i got down to the bare wood i noticed that in the upper corner on the back just above the trem there is a spot that looks like they cut the board to short and filled in with something or molded the 2 inch by 5 inch section to complete the rest of the body. I've never seen anything like this. Any ideas what it might be? Has anyone seen something like this done before?

    I'm not sure what to do about this now, I thought about staining it but now that i see this I'm not really sure if I want to even mess with it..... B):D

  12. I agree, I would suggest a Strat as your first guitar. But like was said before, you should try playing a couple guitars before you decide on your first. Go to a music store if you have one locally and pick up a few different guitars, play them, and see which one you like the feel of better. But I would suggest getting a Strat. Just my opinion though for what it's worth. Let us know what you decide on. :D

  13. Alright I play acoustic ALOT, and I can convert just about any song into an acoustic song with minor changes here and there to make it more suitable.Any Neil Young, Dave Matthews Band, alot of the Grateful Dead songs, some Phish, Tom Petty, Jack Johnson, just about any Pink Floyd, and some Stevie Ray Vaughan. I could go on all day with acoustic songs but I'll just make a short list of a few our band jams around with.

    Tears in Heaven (Clapton)

    The House Of The Rising Sun (Animals)

    Stairway To Heaven (Zeppelin)

    Hotel California, Seven Bridges Road, Desperado, Witchy Woman, ext.. (Eagles)

    Freebird (Skynyrd)

    Needle And The Damage Done (Neil Young)

    Shooting Star (Bad Company)

    For What It's Worth (Buffalo Springfield)

    Horse With No Name (America)

    The Rain Song (Zeppelin)

    Like I said the list can go on and on and on, but my all time favorite is Life By The Drop by Stevie Ray Vaughan!!!!!!

    Is this kinda what you were thinking?

  14. Bump!

    Sorry to sound like a pest and all that but I just shopping around trying to save a little bit of $$ that way I can spend more on the wood for my next project. Any suggestions are welcome. Any other really good texas-blues style pickups? What about burstbuckers, any good? Thanks again :D


  15. Looks nice, would love to see progress picts if possible. Keep up the good work, just take your time and don't rush through it. I believe my next project is going to be a neck through LP look a like with my own little touches added to it of course, wanting to go with a 5 or 6 piece neck on it. what kind of neck are you using on yours? :D

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