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Daniel Sorbera

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Posts posted by Daniel Sorbera

  1. ...when using an active system in your guitar you can plug directly into the power amp...

    Godin, there are a lot of things you can do that are far from the optimum use of your equipment! While EMGs will drive most rackmount power amps, they don't do a very good job of it, and with no EQ, you have one sound. Are you using, or have you at some point used, this particular setup? If you are, can we hear some soundclips, please, and, if not, why would you recommend it? For the record, I think this is a very bad idea! :D

    auccually I have used this exact setup before and it sounded fine to me. I auccually ran strait through an acoustic amps poweramp in. (I did use a EQ pedal to change my sound a bit. Now you can see why I ran through the poweramp. I only had an acoustic amp.) (I've auccually used a passive guitar strait into a poweramp with very satisfactory results)

  2. Your doing great so far. If I were you when I strip it down to refinish Right after the color I would relic it (not scratchs but just old looking paint) than clear it so It doesent get toooo relic-afied I really dont like all the scratchs but love the old looking paint. I Think it would look really cool on this design. (Call me stupid but did fender ever make a bocaster? I have never seen one. Were they ever a production model by any company?)

  3. Now please explain to me, if you don't mind, why you need an 80 watt amp to play in your bedroom. :D We play 300 seat clubs with a 50 watt 2x12 guitar rig, and still get asked to turn down.

    thers two people that I know that one has a bandit, and the other a classic 50 2/12. The bandit is about half as loud as the classic. He playes the bandit cranked and the classic only about halfway up the numbers.

  4. an update on my last post. I said that the traynor is more gritter in distortion than the peavey.But i've been playing around with one and found that you can get a VERY smoooooth overdrive just my cranking the clean channels gain and volume controls. Of course than it's painfully LOUD but it sounds better than ANYTHING I have tried in stores. And than you have the option to switch to the gain channel and have some heavier stuff. So ya my vote is for the traynor. Just get the one that has the greenback speaker. The other speaker sounds so dead compared to the greenback. (and it's only like $20 more) If you can somehow buy them in canada it's MUCH cheaper. They mark them up way high when they sell them in the us. In canada I would pay the equilivent of about $400 USD for one.

  5. "it gives the power to the amp"
    :DB):D gotta love the sales men :D:D There is 2 sections in an amp. 1 is the preamp. The preamp colors the sound and has EQ controls ETC ETC. it also converts the signal from high impedence to low impedence. Only problem is that the signal coming out of the preamp is not lardge enough to drive speakers. Thats where the poweramp comes in. The poweramp is after the preamp and does nothing but make a small signal bigger, MUCH bigger. And makes the signal big enough to drive the speaker(s)
  6. From www.xe.com

    £500 = $940.223

    hahahhahaha sorry that $940 made me laugh :D To exchange it you take you number in euros and multiply by 1.19 making it about $600 USD. In that price range I would recomend getting either a peavey classic 30 or a traynor YCV20WR. I would stay away from the blues junior. I have done TONS of research and prety much everyone I asked says the peavey is better. I have played both and the peavey is better, much better. By better I mean the overdrive is better. The clean is about the same. The reverb on the fender is better IMO. The peavey does the slighty overdriven sound all the way through metal way better than the blues junior IMHO. The traynor sounds not better or wrose just a little bit different. It has better controls IMO. and it's tone is a bit more hard/marshall a bit on the gritter side of things. both will run you about $500 USD (BTW if yo uthink you need like a 15watt combo cuse you want to play in a small woom or whatever read this article amp power myths)

  7. The easiest way to do it IMO is just to get a airbrush and and hold it real close to the body and hold down the trigger until you like the way it looks. IMO a paint ball wouldent work, but the idea of a splatter finish is real cool. If nothing else the force behind would dent the body(unless you got a REALLY crappy gun :D )

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