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Posts posted by stiggz

  1. gorilla glue as u said is a urethane glue, but is only good for glueing shoes rubber and other plastics that are non-porus. The way white, yellow and hide glue works is the glue is dissolved in a solvent (water), and the polymers get sucked into the crevases cracks and pores of the material being glued as the solvent evaporates. urethane glue works on the same principle, but the solvent is acetone, and it evaporates a hell of a lot faster, and that doesnt give the molecules enough time to be sucked in the material. Also triming the excess away from the glue shouldnt make a difference, as the excess isnt attaching the surface.

    my 2c,



    edit: Doc i beg to differ you can separate a g glue joint, if you apply acetone to the glue joint... well soak the joint in it, it will come apart fairly easily.

  2. the pine u will buy from lumber yards is usually for framing or cabinet making, and is usually fairly green (by green i mean not dried), and will not hold up to the stress' of a guitar to nicely, go for somthing tried and tested, or some other wood that is dry enuf.

  3. Hey

    I was wondering would anyone have the know-how or the schematic of the Framptone talk box or the danelectro free speech talk box, cos id love to experiment with em, but i dont have the money to buy 1, so i though i might try to build 1. any help fellas?

    thanks in advance



  4. hey,

    i am currently doing a school physics assignment, and i have wired my most recent guitar, and it has an active system. now my question is how would one draw the active pickups in schematic form? a normal pickup is just an inductor with a magnetic core (curly line with 2 straight 1's undernieth) right? so how would i draw an active 1?



  5. well i have brushed tung oil, its not bad, BUT, it goes on wafer thin, and it runs like just after a curry :D , and about 10 hours between coats, the finish on necks is great, shinny like laquer, but fast like a matt finish

    another thing the stuff in the can turns to sh!t after about 3 months, so dont plan on using it the same can for more than 1 project, so buy the smallest can possible.

    thats all from me



  6. hi, at the moment i am just wiring my latest guitar, but i am killing 2 birds with one stone by using it as part of a physics assignment. now, my question is regarding this

    cheap black ice

    What is the basic theory behind this? What does it do to the output signal? Why it does it? and anything else that could be of use

    thanks in advance



  7. if u cant pull up, probably 1 of2 things

    1. your trem is actually leaning on your body


    2. your trem is blocked, meaning there is somthing in between the trem block and the body cavity.

    to fix 1, remove the diagonal spring, re-tune ect, (take out middle spring as well if necessary). if your trem is blocked take the thing that is stopping it from pulling up (peice of wood or somthing)

  8. well it will sound like ash, a bit crisper than american, like a strat (depending on pickups of course). but please make somthing decent out of it, not a junk guitar!! print out a basic CAD template, buy a neck if you are not up to it your self, use decent hardware, even cheap ebay rubbish is better than using cyclone rod as a bridge.

    dont waste this wood on somthing you wont learn from



  9. Walmart sells guns.  Where have you been man!?

    Anyway, yeah, Walmart.

    I'm not from America B) There are places in the world where the general stores don't sell firearms, beleive it or not :D

    Is Tru-Oil common outside the states? does it go by a different name elsewhere?

    - Dan

    dan, im not exactly sure if this is 100% correct, but tung-oil seems to be a close alternative, its goes on really thin, so it can be brushed without any major troubles, and unlike other laquer doesnt stay sticky-ish for more than 10hours from being applied, and when enuf patience, and(....for lack of a better word) commitment :D, a really shiny finish can be acheived

    its dirt cheap and goes a long way, bout 15 bucks for a litre and i have used bout 3 cm's of this tin on 2 guitars


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