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Posts posted by gun

  1. Thanks guy, I would try the mahogany body. Sure I want to try a different wood 'cause I already have a basswood body. Also to me the work on link seems to be OK. But also I like clean and bright sound of alder. It's hard to choose!!! :D What should be your choice?

    P.S. Very funny "Evil - Bay" !!!! B)

  2. Thanks Brian, the original body is basswood, ok. I already have a JEM 7BSB in basswood. I would buy for swirl an alder or mahogany body. On ADT there are many different woods and bodies, I think, are ready to swirl. Or do you think the better thing is swirl a basswood body?

  3. Hi guys I hope this isn't an unpopular question but I must do it. I want to start my first project guitar, I already posted a topic on swirling. Now I must choose where to buy my JEM body. I seen JEM body at BRT guitars for 90$, why does it cost 250$ from ADT? Is it only for its popularity? Or there are differences? And this body on ebay? eBay link Does anybody has an ash or mahogany JEM body? Thanks

    Happy new year and.....guitar!!! :D

  4. ok guys very thanks for your replies but I've a doubt, I said for a DNA swirl do I need a base color? For example red? I said for example, but from your replies I understood first the body must be painted of red. Right? I seen many DNA swirl on ADT site, but all body had a base color? Or can I seal and sand body and dip it natural?

    Thanks again :D

  5. Hi guys, a poll!!! What do you think of JEM bodies of www.brtguitars.com? Why a 3 PC basswood with all options of a JEM body costs 100$ and the same body at ADT and Eddie Kolesar costs 250$? Differences? Someone said, you must wait 1 month from BRT! Ok reply from Eddie Kolesar: "... keep in mind you must wait from 2 to 6 month!!!"

    Of course, add another month for international shipping to Italy :D

  6. Hi guy, I've read other topics on this forum but many things aren't clear to me, I'm a total newbie!!!

    1) I've a JPM body make by a local custom shop, it's raw. Must I sealed it? If yes how? Only the screw holes or the entire body?

    2) After tons of tests I'll do, I would make a swirl as DNA Jem, do I need a base color for body? If yes which color? Red?

    3) For a tub of 30 liters, how many borax do I need?

    4) I read many people use Plasti-kote oil base paint, I don't find it in Italy. Alternatives?

    5) First to dip, must I sand the body?

    6) When I 've the pattern I like the dipping process is fast or slow? Must I swirl body or only dip? Can the body touch the bottom of tub or not?

    7) When I pull off the body can I put on a table? Or must I wait the drying process?

    Excuse me for all these questions and my english!!! :D

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