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Posts posted by gun

  1. Yesterday I tried the neck on the body. As I thought and hoped it doesn't buzz!!!! :D

    I did pass an hard time to find the properly height for the locking nut. Then the neck didn't work on the first fret after I tried it for 15 mins without any buzz. I did turn truss to add a bit of relief, it was a striaght line, and again no buzz everywhere.

    Now I leave the guitar so for a week, then I will finish it. I mounted a Tone Zone too. It is too far from the strings but just to hear the first chord and it seems to sound good with a long sustain. I'm hopeful about :D


    and anothere picture here.


    Edit: I did set up it with an action about 1,7 mm at low E and 1,2 mm at first string.

  2. Hi folks, finally today I did the 90% of the work.

    I did the locking nut's holes and the ones for the machine heads' screws.

    Ok.... fretting job on ebony!!! I was worry about but in the end it was more easy than what I thought after I did slot the board!!!

    Here a picture during fretting. My buddy made a fret bender (he saw a tut around internet) and I used it to bend the fretwire.

    Here I cutted on the first side the extra wire. The stewmac one is really hard, I had my hands sore to cut it :D

    I use the stewmac's cauls to fret, 16" and 12" for the ends. Then I did mask off the neck to file and bevel the ends.

    A pic during the levelling phase

    Ok.... this is my first neck almost done!!!


    While I'm posting I'm applying tru oil on it, then I will paint the headstock but I can say the neck is done!!!!

    Let me know what do you think. I will continue to post here without open a new one.



  3. Yeah Neil nothing stops you now!!! You're making a lot of interesting guitars lately!!!

    I look forward to see complete another Les Paul!!! For now that's a great tele, I like the finishing job you do. You use polyurethane, right?

    I heard a lot of different way to polish poly. What is it yours? It seems to work very fine.


  4. Thanks gun!  But what do you think of the new profile I've PaintBrushed on the template to the left?  That's how I think I'm going to re-style the body.

    Yeah, natural with black binding and black hardware.  If not natural, transparent yellow or orange.  Both dyes that will bring out the natural color of the Mahogany.

    By the way gun, I'm first generation American.  My parents and all of my ancestors are from Italy.  Province of Frosinone.  A small town called Settefratti.

    Yeah I know that town, a small place near Frosinone. I'm not too far from.

    Yeah go for the translucent color!!!! And I prefer original idea so I would go for your modded version. I would just leave the horn as it is on the original. I like it so, just my preference.


  5. In these days I finished the inlay also if I still have to sand with 400 and higher grits the fretboards. Then I did the scalloped on frets 21 - 24.

    Here the picture.

    Then a buddy did show me some tricks with rasp and helped me on shaping.


    I still have to sand a lot. You can see the pencil marks around but I can say the work is almost finished. Then I have to fret and finish it. A kinda of hard job but I'm happy with the result. Then I will show al least 2 points I fixed. Now it's hard to see but I did chip the wood with the router near the neck pocket and the nut :D


  6. OK I was able to cut and bend the purpleheart. It was really easy!!! :D

    This is a pic taken while I was inlaying the purpleheart, then I will scallop the last 4 frets and post a pic of the finished fretboard.


    I think it was fairly good for my first inlay ever. What do you think? Ok ok I still haven't posted the finished fretboard but from what you can see here?


  7. Too late..... I paid very attention to mix properly the epoxy, I have to wait another 8 hours and I will see how it dries. I hope no problems. Maybe CA would be better cuz is more easy to fill th gaps. I mixed some powder and black dye in. I will show you pix when I will level and..... yeah I did some progress :D


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