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Posts posted by ToneMonkey

  1. I use an intake, overspray and carbon filter.

    The chances are that you know this already, but I'm going to say it anyway. When the carbon in your filter needs to be replaced, you could either take it back and have a shop do it for a silly price or on most filters you can drill out the rivets, empty the old carbon and refill it with stuff you can get for the filters in fish tanks. It's the same stuff (activated carbon) and usually works out much cheaper.

  2. Just a thought......and it is a thought as I have ne experience of this.

    If the depressions were caused when you clamped it, could a bit of gentle heat be used to spring it back out again (as you would with a little ding). Obviously it would depend on which glue you used , but might be worth a try before you spend the next few days sanding.

    I'm sure one of the experienced guys will give you a yes or no on this, so wait for that before trying it.

  3. That's gone right up my flagpole mate, it's luuuurvely.

    Just a thought, what is it going to be like finishing? Where you've got the change in levels at the top (behind the bridge), if you stain it, will the vertical bit drink more or less stain than the rest and give you a darker/lighter colour. I'm a complete finishing numpty so don't know myself, but it was the first thing that jumped out at me.

    But like I said, that's gorgeous. I'd be tempted to leave it fairly natural, maybe just oil it. Not all figured wood has to be blue :D

  4. I had the idea a while back to do something kind of similar.....although no spam vampires were involved......which is a bit of a pity.

    I got the ida from a mousemat that my mate had. It had a plain white layer of plastic with a see through plastic top sealed all the way round. In this watertight sandwich there was some blue liquid which swished about as you used it. You sould see if you could do that, not sure how you'd make the cracked mirror effect, but if you used some Mylar, then that would give you your mirror.

    Not the best explaination, so just say if I've confused you.

    Kaj :D

  5. My name is Kaj (although it's pronounced Ki - Kai - Kye however you choose really). I'm a hobbiest and have hundreds of half finished projects. I'm married to Caroline, who shares/makes my happy little life along with our cat, Dweezil. We live in the countryside in the Midlands, UK (just far enough from Leicester) where there are plenty of things for the cat to hunt.

    I used to have time for guitar fiddling, but of late it's all been a bit hectic so haven't really done anything for a while. I have a half built Les Paul Double Cut which I was working on until some hidden dodgy wood stopped the progress on that. I have a half finished SG with a reshaped neck that is currently waiting for me to get the resin for the carbon fibre which I will be covering the neck and front of the body with. I have a hollowed out strat copy which I did when drunk and some other bits and pieces. I have a Ibanez lawsuit firebird which needs me to make mini HB's and spend £120 on some banjo tuners. I also have a Patrick Eggle which has needed polishing and the hardware added for about a year too long now........nobody gets me the bits that I ask for for my birthday :D

    I'm a Mechanical Engineer so I normally stick my 2 cents worth (2 pence actually - being from England) in conversations which are about the technical aspects rather than in threads about finishing and the such like (there are much better people to do that). You'll normally hear me sayng "That's a spring/mass/damper model that is" and other over complicated crap like that to make myself sound more intelligent that I am :D

    I've decided that the way forward is definately for me to get steel templates laser cut using AutoCAD drawings which I can generate, rip off or alter accordingly. I've definately grown out of jumping in feet first and will plan it all accordingly next time I make something. I'm going to be building a new LP Double Cut and a tele when I get my act together. I have built a pickup winder, but as yet, no pickups. I promise to be less bone idle, not to play with power tools drunk and plan work properly before getting drunk and breaking out the power tools (err, no, I wasn't going to do that was I).

    Future projects that need to be done soon include the highly ambitious: Project Shelves and Project Desk as I'm having to convert the spare bedroom previously used as my shed to my office - bugger. You will soon find me in the garden shed with the spiders or getting cold in the back garden with a can of Stella and a router.......bugger, I said I wouldn't do that.

  6. This was quite good timing, I've just been speaking to a guy at work who plays the drums. He's just moved in to a terraced house so is looking at getting an electronic drum kit and selling off his other one (he says that even with pads, it still makes too much noise).

    He's off to play with the Roland HD1 & Yamaha DTX this weekend, so I'll let you know how they go.

  7. Depends on the guitar. I had some gold hardware for a Gibson DC project, but once that went horribly tit's up I was thinking of installing it on my Eggle. However gold looks really bad with a black/gray flamed maple....... so for me it really does depend what it's on. Horses for courses and all that.

  8. Well, I'm waiting for a new contract from a new employer and then I'll be rich :D

    Well certainly not rich, but will have more money. So maybe after Christmas, it's time to get started again. I've been giving serious thought to building a tele and as I have a couple of bobbins at home, it would probably be foolish not to build some.

    Need to build some mini HB's too for my firebird.

    Then all I need is something with P90's and I'll be all set (except that I still can't play the sodding things)

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