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Everything posted by FLEAisMYhomeboy

  1. idch: lmao. do you know how many bass companies have contacted me know because of your idea? haha jk. that was a very original idea. but i think i will get some cool sticker somewhere and put it on there. thanks everyone.
  2. hey hey hey everyone. i have a surf green mark hoppus signature bass. as you probably know, its made by fender and shaped like a j bass. i was wondering if you guys had any ideas on a "signature mark" that i could put on it. you know some famous musicians have stuff like something in duct tape or some sticker or words on their bass. i was thinking of mike dirnt has some duct tape on his. mark hoppus has that blink sticker. i think its the taking back sunday guitarist, machinero is his last name i believe, has what looks like some mailbox letters that say scout or something behind the bridge (its an sg, lots of room behind the bridge). well i wanna get a signature thing to put on my bass. like something that sets my bass apart from the other mark hoppus basses out there. i wanna put the mark/sticker/watever in the big open space between the bridge and the pickups, but right above the middle of the two. i know this is a really stupid post, but i am insanely bored right now. id appreciate any help. thanks. -erik i do realize this is a pretty stupid post. please dont yell at me for crapping up the forum.
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