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Blues Tribute Group
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Posts posted by TGwaH

  1. When I'm playing, I tend to hit the middle pickup with my pick. It doesn't affect my playing but it doesn't do pickup surrounds much good. I play a Jackson PS-1 and a couple of Strats and they're all the same. The Jackson is now 12 years old and the pickup cover is a mess ! To be honest I only noticed recently because of the amount of chips and dents in the plastic.

    I wouldn't feel so bad about making your guitar look used. My brother bought me the a book called "Beatles Gear" for my birthday and it arrived today. One of the first pictures I saw when I opened it up was a picture of George Harrison's SG from the recording of the Revolver album. The pick up cover at the bridge is beat to hell.

    So you're in good company :D

  2. i dont have any money, but i was wondering if you would be willing to trade two guitars, one is a mid/late 80's kramer baretta w/ a set thru neck, a floyd rose trem, an evh d-tuna, it has 2 dimarzio evoultion humbuckers w/ emg style pickup covers, the bridge pickup is green and is a fred i believe and the neck pickup is blue but i forgot what the name was, its wired as 2 volumes, a 3 way, and an active 5 position distortion switch that is not currently wired in but sounds amazing, it has 24 frets, works great, just needs a paint job and cavity covers, and i would send you the stereo jack and the wiring diagram for the distortion switch, the other guitar is a washburn x-series, nothing really special, 2 sc's and a hb in the bridge, pretty much all stock but in great condition, you can see these guitars on photobucket.com, search for bandjoe, and how many watts is the amp, and what is the minimum ohm load?

    The amp might be gone, seeing as this thread is almost two years old :D

    But at least you used the search feature. Good on ya :D

  3. Yeah, true. Might be worth putting a link to the discussion thread in the first message of the build thread and vice-versa, so people searching that find will also get the other. Also, see the little 'post #x' in the top right of each message in a thread? You can link to that.

    That would be my vote. But I guess we should see how the other builders involved feel about it. :D

  4. I've been thinking about how to do this. While it would be more difficult on the face of it having two threads -- i.e. one for builders, one for questions -- it would keep things cleaner. The builders threads would be marked by each builders icon (or lack there of) which would make scrolling through to follow one specific build fairly simple. As for questions, is there not a way to jump to a specific post within a thread that would allow people to ask questions about a specific post/method/picture etc i.e. how did you do X here?

    Perhaps if the threads become sufficiently popular, they may be pinned for easier access.

  5. Forbidden



    The page cannot be found


    What, you can't expect me to actually verify the information I post can you?


    Your client is not allowed to access the requested object.

    Sorry Mick, that's probably all part of Bill O'Reilly's boycot on France :DB)

    Anyhow, I know this isn't the most ideal, but I found this version of the page on the Internet Archive, but it is lacking pictures.


    On an unrelated note, if you're looking for a webpage that doesn't exist or has changed since the last time you were there vist the Internet Archive, their goal is to document and back up the entire internet.

  6. I had some trouble finding the bridge style I wanted for a 12 string. You can order one from Brian, for about $86 USD. Or if you have a Long and McQuade in your area, you can get a 12 string Rickenbacker bridge for the same price in Candian dollars.

    EDIT: They have a location at 721 - 43rd St. E in Saskatoon.

    Hope this helps ya.

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