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Posts posted by Bassisgreat

  1. <off topic> Ooohhh that Myrtle topped bass in the pic looks very cool</off topic>

    Hey Phil, what are you going to be using for a preamp? Or is it going to be passive? Are you building your own pickups for this one? I'm intrigued! This one will be an improvement from your already impressive first effort!

  2. That's looking fantastic!! I bet it'll sound great too!

    FWIW, Ernie Ball MusicMan basses are 34" scale, and I am becoming a fan of that scale length. This is a bit odd since I am pretty huge (6' 6" with monkey hands :D ) but I just find that it feels a bit more natural to play. I think less about the actual physical part of playing, which theoretically leaves me more mental space for the musical side... :D Although the 35" on my old Modulus did keep my technique on it's toes... The B string was great on my MM AND on the Modulus, and I tuned a whole step down for a while. I am of the school of thought that the scale length has slightly less to do with the B than the overall fit and finish of the bass. I've never jammed on a 36" or larger, but I can imagine that requires a pretty good stretch in first position!

    In any case, it's looking great! Keep us updated on your progress!! I am about to get a MM style pickup for a bass I am building (my first) and I was looking at that very one, so I'll be interested to know what you think of it!

  3. I say go for it. Study, get your measurements and steps in place (TWICE) before you cut, and DO IT. The worst that will happen is that you will have an expensive learning experience (barring any physical injury... :D ) and you'll have a better idea of what to do next time.

    I see the value in going with the basics first, but as you said, you aren't building a basic guitar, and I'm not going to try to convince you to.

    Good luck with your project!

    EDIT: then again, I am also working on my first project, and as my user profile aptly suggests, I too am a "Newbie". But what I said above is simply a matter of learning curve. It's up to you how easy or difficult of a lesson you want to start (or should I say Strat :D ) with.

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