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Posts posted by Bassisgreat

  1. Hi Everybody!

    My two favorite sites to visit are here and Talkbass.com. Over there, the general consensus seems to be that "tonewood" is a myth and that the tone of your instrument comes from constuction style/quality and electronics. As a matter of fact they have had multiple "Tone Wars" over there about it, thus the TW1 in the thread title.

    What's your take? Have you played two instruments that are identical except for the woods used and noticed a difference that you could discern in a blind A/B test?

    Does the wood you use in your guitars really affect the tone they produce or is it just aesthetics, so long as they are structurally sound and well put together?

  2. all for just over 150 bucks and i now have enough for a lifetime of guitar building (or a least a while)

    anyone interested in buying some it would be nice to make some of my money back then i could call this build the "Freecaster" HAHA

    email me at john.ruiz1 @ gmail . :D I'd love to discuss buying a body blank or two from ya.

  3. Yeah, the pic is also filled with thin horizontal lines to achieve the effect i want. I've held the cover under a half inch of clear acrylic and it still worked fine, so i'm not overly concerned about the thickness of the cover piece. I'm mostly concerned with how to keep glue from touching the top of the ridged jewel case material while still being secure. My copy of that disc is pretty worn out anyway, so if i have to buy a new one for the case, i won't be too upset. :D

  4. Well, I have been pondering, and one solution that has popped into mind was to create an acrylic casing for the inlay, basically, inlay it into another piece of acrylic, then put a thin acrylic backing on that, only gluing around the edges, leaving the top and back surfaces of the art untouched by epoxy. It seems like a hassle, though. Any other ideas?

  5. Hey everybody, I've been kicking around an idea for an inlay and I thought I'd see what some folks here with experience (I have none) thought about the possibility of my concept.

    It's going to be for a guitar, and one that probably won't see the light of day, as I'm a bassist B). It's a tribute to one of my favorite bands, TOOL. On their Aenema album they had a special jewel case (which they've gotten progressively more artistic on with each subsequent album)

    On this one, the front cover is made with plastic with tiny ridges that make for a cool "motion" effect in the specially drawn image behind it. You've probably seen this effect on some packaging, whether it was a movie, a cd or a paperback book even. :D They included a few pics that would work with this effect, and one of my faves is a cool looking eye. Here's a pic of the eye without any effect.


    With the cover, it makes the iris of the eye scroll from one corner to the other. Neat effect.

    What I was thinking of was cutting out the eye pic, cutting out an appropriately sized piece of the ridged cover and inlaying that. Now the question is how do I maintain the ridged surface in the inlay that is required for the effect I would want. Well, I figured I'd overlay a thin piece of clear acrylic. Now the problem is, how do I glue everything down and still maintain the cool effect, without it all just looking like a blurry mess? I'm worried that epoxy will affect the, uh, effect. :D Light needs to be able to refract off of the ridges, and this won't happen if it's covered in epoxy. I know this is possible, but I need to figure out how.

    Any ideas? :D

  6. Ok, I said I was just gonna post in the other threads, but I can't resist. The awesome compells me.

    Also, I dig the look of relic'd guitars, but it looks like somebody went to that restoration guit's body with a hammer?!? :D That's not exactly natural looking wear, ha. Otherwise, though, I must admit that on that one, I liked the pre restoration look better than post. However, it's clear that the restoration was done with pro skill.

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