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Everything posted by Hughes

  1. i get the taper of the neck with a taper jig on the table saw, then to get the neck profile i just file it down, i find it the safest way to do it
  2. Ok, i have been looking at them mockingbird thinline guitars and i think that would be a cool thing to make. i was thinking of making the body out of pine, chambering it out, and sticking some nice maple top and back. Now for the questions. 1. wheres the best part to chamber it. 2. what are the little holes on the top piece 3. how do the pickups work on the thing/where are they 4. how do i mount the preamp/equalizer on the side. (go here to take a look at it, i can never get the images to post on here) http://www.guitar.com.au/guitars/acoustic/...mockingbird.jpe
  3. when i lived in my old town, when ever i went to my friends house we would play his guitars for hours, that was almost everyday for a year, then i moved and ive been fiddling with some cheap crappy acoustic (which i dont even know very much acoustic songs) and ive been wanting to buy a bronze mockingbird from a local guitar store. but then if i buy it from their it will still be $290 when i could proably get a nice new one of ebay and pay like only $100 more. so i would be sitting in my room for hours playing since im quite new here to my city and dont have alot of people to hang out with so yeah.
  4. haha your lucky then, where ever i live everyone buys a fender squier/peavy raptor and thinks their pro haha their guitars always end up on their dressers for people to see how big of posers and follower they are, they think their all cool becasue they can play like smoke on the water, but i love bc riches, always will to, i was hoping to get that nj series but that doesnt look to promising ok in your oppinion, if i went out and bought a nj series bc rich wouldnt that be kinda overwhelming to see a beginner with one, like would you think i was just posing and trying to be cool lol.
  5. haha once again sorry bout double posting (is that even a rule?) !!METAL MATT!! i found this one ill be keeping an eye on its platinum, so good enough:P http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...7332581984&rd=1
  6. yeah i will do some reading and such and study up
  7. ok about the voltages, i dont want to electricute my self so how would i know how far to go? also is the price of building one going to be similar to the line 6 spider II 212 amp? becuase if it is i might as well buy one.
  8. get a bc rich eagle acoustic or a thinline mockingbird
  9. oh awesome i really appreciate it, i hope he says yes to! and hopefully i can win the sucker yikes the auction ends at a 11am give or take and my dad will be at work till around 3pm, maybe get him to bid tonight and hope for the best haha well someone just bid on that guitar out of my price range i guess ill keep hunting
  10. i want to ask him if he can make an exception and ship to canada since i would have to pay for it, also i cant set up an account since im 15 and dont have a credit card and my Pops is gone right now but if someone could get his email so i could ask him to ship to canada, then i might just have a NJ Series Mockingbird
  11. thanks man, in your oppinion, do you think a beginner should try making a spider II amp??
  12. hey all, just wondering im very new to all this and i know how to read schematics but i was wondering if you guys went to a special class to learn to make amps/effects. i really awnt to know how to make a line 6 spider amp and i have a schematic for it but how would i take on such a big task and if its even worth it, like will it be cheaper then a real line 6?
  13. sorry for the double posts but would anyone be willing to get this sellers email for me since i do not have an ebay account? thanks http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...7332358693&rd=1
  14. ok thanks doctor i will take a look at the zoom gadget, haha funny how you say grasshopper haha gotta love it
  15. i would say try adjusting the truss rod nut also, what style of bc rich neck is it? because if it doesnt work you should stick it on ebay
  16. haha if anyone can find me a good bc rich for my budget ($200) i would get that but since i have a low low budget i need to settle for less just found this, looks exactly like the one metalmatt showed me http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...7332677035&rd=1 and metalmatts http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...7331227116&rd=1
  17. since we're on the bc rich topic, i want to ask, what i up with this mockingbird i havent seen a bronze like this...is it older style? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...e=rvi:1:1v_home also, look at this platinum bich, the price wows me, if you americans would ship to canada more often i could make some money off that http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...e=rvi:1:2v_home im also wondering why they wont ship to canada, doesnt the buyer pay???
  18. haha oh man, i wish i could spend a good amount of money on a beginning guitar, especially an NJ Classic, my buddy bought a bronze mockingbird, although its a bronze, it punches out some wild stuff and i thought it was a pretty sweet guitar especially for the price, not to mention its good not to follow the crowd and buy a fender as for the acyllic series warlock, it is sweet, but that would be a toughy to win since theres like 24 bids on so those people are hungry for it oh and i think i would (in the near future) stick either a widow/beast headstock style neck on it and put some emg's of some sort in, but right now im on a budget and dont need a top of the line guitar
  19. that sucks, im just a really big fan of bc riches
  20. yeah thats how i think of it thanks guys
  21. lol i guess i should of said im a beginner...ilove bc riches because their original, so would it be good for a beginner?
  22. hey, i seen this bc rich ironbird platinum series on ebay and i really like it, im just wondering what you oppinions are on it http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...7331321690&rd=1
  23. ok ive been pondering to myself how someone would go about recording their bands songs, for some reason it baffles me also since im here, if there were just one guy with a guitar, bass, drums, and vocals how would you mix all them to sound like it was a hole band playing it? like the guy would play the part on the guitar, then the bass etc then how would you make it all one? hah sorry if these are stupid questions but it was bugging me so thanks!
  24. hey, my dad has a quest atak I, hes had it for many years since he was a teenager/early twenties, and i was wondering where i would be able to buy one/how much ones worth now thanks
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