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Posts posted by Cam

  1. You wouldn't actually believe it, but I looked at every photo.

    that neck looks so fat on the little body haha

    I actually have a mini explorer build going on like this, our scale lengths are very similar - mines 15 3/4"

    Nice job on this one!

    You wouldn't actually believe it, but I looked at every photo.

  2. So I have a build coming up with a 3/4" carved top. I am of course going to do lots of practice, but how can I practice if I don't know what tools to use?

    I was originally going to use an angle grinder, but I have been denied access to the Angle Grinder because it is 'deadly'

    So now I have a few options, but I am unsure as to which one is the easiest (or will work):

    Chisel and a Random Orbital Sander


    Random Orbital Sander with real high grit sandpaper, carve it the same way as you would with an angle grinder.

    Which one do you think would be the easiest?

    Do you have any other ways?

    I was leaning more towards the 3rd option?

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