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Posts posted by Sambo

  1. I'm sure most people on here in the UK have bought stuff from the states at one time or another. If we dont get charged for import tax, then oh well! that's the way i see it. Its not illegal to import things, the item comes in with a customs declaration sticker on it, if the guys in mount pleasant choose not to charge you import tax (no doubt cous the amount is usually so small its not worth them bothering) then fair enough i say.

    And yes, it is the way to do it. If you shop around dimarzio pickups are under 60 dollars with 5-6 dollars shipping. thats literally half the price they are over here if you dont get stung. I for one think thats worth it :D


  2. I just had a look on the RMC website and nearly fainted at their prices! Riiiiiiiip off....

    I think your question should be which bridge can i get saddles for. Bear in mind you probably won't be able to get them for the schaller roller bridge. As long as the bridge is standard nashville sized you can get saddles to fit.

    I think tonepros ones are ok, as are gotoh's bridges.

    Someone posted a thing about tonepros bridges being gotoh bridges with set screws anyway. so might be cheaper to get one of those?


  3. I tried a schecter with rmc saddles and just went.... hummmm... whatever.

    All my guitars have piezo's. Of the ones i've used the ghost is the best sounding (with the preamp!) but also the most expensive. I am working on reverse engineering the ghost preamp cous i do think its a bit of a rip off. but hey.

    The LRbaggs and fishman ones are worth a look, but you can only by em as a whole bridge. which is a pain.


  4. Jeff Miller had a set of graphtech saddles in a guitar he made (www.guitaristjeffmiller.com). THey were pre release ones so he told me. So they should be coming soon. I emailed graphtech about them and they said they didnt have a deffo release date. But they did tell me they were ONLY made to fit the original FR. So probably wouldnt fit most other models. So BEWARE!!

    Other options include a Ibanez double edge which has (i think) LR Baggs saddles in it. Might be able to find one on Ebay?


  5. Daddario EXL 9-46's all the way. Used to use ernie's but tried daddario's on the off chance (didnt have any ernies of the gauge i wanted in shop) and i've not used anything since. For my C-C tuned guitar i use the same sets with a 56 on the low C string and ditch the high 9. Same for my 7 string but without ditching the 9.... obviously.

    But to be honest, i agree. as long as you go for a decent make you cant really go wrong. I don't think there's that huge amount of difference between alot of strings, but we have to be **** about something dont we?!


  6. I think most of the marketing is hype on hardware to be honest. I mean the only advantage of tonepros locking hardware i can see is that it doesnt fall off or move when you remove the strings. Hmmmm....

    I mean, i use hipshot tremolos. Not due to all this bearing edge crap. I tried one i got cheap and it performed better than similar priced gotoh or schaller units. so i stuck with it. My advice to people is to try this stuff out. Then you'll know if something is worth the extra money or not. Same goes for pickups and pots etc. Especially cables!! the amount of sh1t going round about certain cable maunfacturers is amazing.

    But hey... just my opinion.


  7. To be honest, you can't really go wrong with any tonepros, schaller or gotoh hardware. They all make pretty decent quality stuff. Gotoh are in the slightly cheaper range for some items (like TOM's) but i doubt very much you'd tell much difference between the three (except the locking bits on the tonepros).

    I've got a gotoh Floyd waiting to go into a new guitar and its really nice quality.


  8. I've had a V-amp-2 for some years now. I have to say its one of the best pieces of kit i've bought. I actually prefer most of the sounds to a pod. The distortion sounds (your recifiers etc) are better than the pod IMO, its just the clean sounds are a bit... well... crap. but nevermind! cheap as chips!


  9. Ok. I finished off this design and started on a few prototypes with some spare wood i had.

    Theres two of them, One with a carved top (not to the depth i would have liked due to the thickness of the maple top) and one with a flat top and a bevel. I was just trying out different ways of doing things. One has a maple neck and the other a wenge neck, both with nice cocobolo fretboards. Neither are anywhere near finished and have marks all over them, but hey. thought i'd let you guys see what i've been doing all weekend. first time since like june i've had chance to do anything!

    Guitar #4

    Top of the guitar with neck

    Whole thing


    Body again

    Back with numerous pen marks :D

    Guitar #5


    Whole thing


    Back of body

    Back of neck (this one is carved roughly, other isnt)



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