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Posts posted by Sambo

  1. Don't know of any. But you can make your own effects from sites like tonepad and general guitar gadgets and fit them in. Most of the boards (particulaaly distortion effects) aren't too big. The only real problem comes with powering multiple effects you put in.

    Although i've never really understood this putting effects in guitars! put em on the floor and you can use em with multiple guitars, makes the axe lighter and less trouble!!


  2. The big muff is a homebrew jobby like most of my pedals and gear.

    Student! can't afford effects pedals and such! looking forward to finishing uni so i can earn some money and buy me a boogie :D

    I've been searching round for a huge metal case to build a midi floor controller into. but couldn't find anything big enough. Then, i was looking on the pete cornish website... and.... He builds his out of plyboard... Thanks for the idea!!

    Anybody got/used a DBX compressor/gate (166XL/266XL)? Just wondered how they were, seen alot of big players using them and they'd suit me being rackmount and all :D

  3. To be honest, it depends what you mean by 'back problems'.

    If he's got real back trouble, no strap is going to make the blindest bit of difference. the points at which the weight of the guitar is taken on your shoulder will be more or less identical. A lighter guitar is his only real option to be honest.

    Or, he could take up some more rock star poses á la foot on monitor and rest the guitar on his left thigh? classical playing position and all!

    Yamaha make a new guitar that is hollow construction (its got 2 p-90's and LED pickup selectors) cant remmeber model number, but it is frighteningly light. might be worth a look? not very expensive.


  4. Someone said about a Lace red dually... heavy metal = NO!

    To be honest. The higher the resistance, the less good pickups tend to sound. I mean the SD invader is a 'high output pickup'... but sorry. it sounds rubbish.

    Try something less extreme and you'll go far :D There's a reason why lots of metal players use duncan JB's... because they sound good B) An active circuit is a good way of increasing the output. Look at guitarfetish website for some cheap and cheerful ones. oh... and buy a nice big amp :D


  5. I've recently thrown out (not literally!) a lot of pedals. Was all getting too much.. Now i've got this lot:

    Mag/Piezo splitter/buffer thing (home brew:P) --> Morley Bad horsie 2 --> Morley Volume --> Midi controlled effects loop thing (8 individual loops, Tube screamer, big muff, DS-1, MXR blue box) --> Amp (at moment a crappy V-amp as i'm a student) --> Noise gate --> Behringer delays (2x in loops on midi thing, with a home made mixer controlled by a morley lil alligator) --> headphone amp.

    I'm using the V-amp phaser models a bit. But i've cut it down quite alot! I'm thinking of getting rid of the big muff, but as i dont need the effects loop for anything else its staying put.

    In terms of must have effects... i think, A wah, volume pedal (for violin swells :D), a overdrive, a proper full on distortion, noise gate and delay are the must haves.


  6. My take on the heavy metal thing. Is don't use as high output pickups as you would think. Duncan JB is probably as far as i would go. As for wood, it depends what kind of sound you're looking for. Basswood probably good for the more metallic sounds, alder (or other strat woods) for maiden style sounds.


  7. google it.

    Never seen the MG series anywhere. but the valvestate ones are readily available.

    although, rather than performing surgery on your amp, you may want to try one of the volume boxes people are putting in their fx loops to give you two master volume settings. look around the forum there is a few threads about them recently. PM me if you need anymore info than is in the thread.


  8. Theoretically its very easy for a dust extraction system to explode.

    Why aren't you allowed to smoke down a coal mine? why does custard powder explode? all the same theory. The smaller the stuff you're sucking up (ie dust rather than chips) the more likely it is to happen. Hence why most dust extraction tubing is made out of antistatic material and/or grounded.


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