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About es335td

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  1. So orgmorq the tree is huge I cannot get my arms wrapped around 1/2 of it, I am 5'9" tall. It stands 45+ feet much taller than the 3 story Victorian with 10 ft walls on the first 2 floors. Is ther some place that will dry it for you? What thickness and length do you cut to? Any input. Do you think this tree would be suitable. It has a very straight trunk and the bottom set of branches are massive.
  2. Hey I have a 90 year old (or so the house was built in 1904 and the earliest pix I have are from around 1915 and the tree was there) Hard maple in my front yard Huge tree. Well it is going to have to come down because they are making the street wider. I was thinking of hving them leave me some large peices to save for future use. How big should I have them cut to and how do you go about drying it so on and so on. I am reeal new to this. I have been playing for about 40 years i have a friend who has made several guitars so we are going to do one this year (not with this wood tree won't come down for another 18 months). Any input would be appreciated.
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