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Everything posted by sjaguar13

  1. Would wood putty work? I don't have any bondo and the stores are closed until Friday.
  2. The crack goes all the way down to the back. I should shove bondo in it?
  3. It's a $20 digital camera. That's the best it's going to get. Can I get a syringe at Rite Aid or somewhere like that? Should I do the same thing with the body?
  4. Here are some pictures of the neck and body:
  5. My drawing kinda sucks, but can anyone tell me how it's supposed to look, or what Mic1 and Mic2 do? I'm getting ready to tear it apart.
  6. It's for that same guitar in the other thread, but Bondo was mentioned for little dings, not a huge freaking valley. If it was a ding, I would know how to fill it. It isn't really deep. It's hard to tell it's there, but that could be because of the color. If you touch it, you can feel it, but it's hard to see. It's also fairly wide. Wide and shallow. Still use Bondo, or just spray a lot of sealer or primer until it's level?
  7. I want a really high gloss plain red finish, probably some kind of enamel because I can't find any kind of poly.
  8. I was burning the paint of my guitar and I think I burned the wood. When I was sanding, the burned part sanded really easy, and now there is a valley there. How would I fill this, or should I sand the guitar down to be even with it?
  9. There is also a 3 way switch with 3 pins and 6 wires hanging off it, but none of them go to anything. It's completely seperate from the other things. A lot of wires go no where, and the soldering is really bad. I'm thinking it would be better to just redo it, but I don't know how, and I don't know what the Mic 1/Mic 2 thing does.
  10. I didn't wire it, so I don't have a diagram. My pictures aren't coming out to well, either. I will try to make a diagram of it soon.
  11. How hard do you think it would be to make one of these for less than $100? Think I would be better just buying one?
  12. Anyone know? If I rip it apart and redo it, I have no idea how to wire the Mic1/Mic2 thing because I don't even know what it does.
  13. I was stripping a body that had a crack in the paint, and it turns out the crack is in the wood. It's fairly long. Should I crack it all the way in half like the neck tutorial, or just try to glue it? About the neck tutorial, would the same thing apply to an acoustic neck?
  14. That might work. The pickup cavity might not be big enough for the P-90 to be at an angle, though.
  15. My brother lost the caps that keep the fuses in his head, so the fuses fell out. Now, he can't use his head and he has a show coming up. Anyone know where to get them at?
  16. THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME! The only thing I don't like, is it looks like it has 5 fingers and 1 thumb. It would be really freaky if while you played, the headstock hand opened and closed.
  17. I don't know what actually happened to my guitar before I got it, but it looks like some did some customizing. The pickup cavity is shaped for a P-90, but the screw holes are on the corners. The back cavity was made a little bigger for two single coils. There is a lot of screw holes around the cavity, so I'm guessing a ring was used because that's where the holes would be, and it would cover up the holes not being used. I would also need a ring for two single coils to fit like a humbucker. The one on it looks like the guy made it. Could I just use a regular humbucker ring?
  18. Worth more than $800? I don't believe the EMGs are stock. Would that make it worth less?
  19. I need a pickup ring for a P-90. Do they make such a thing, or am I going to have to cut on from a piece of white plexi?
  20. The flying V is white. I don't know the model on the Universe.
  21. It's a newer model, but never played. Perfect mint condition. On eBay, I only seen them going for $400-500.
  22. What if it was a regular headstock, are the 12 string tuners closer together, or would you still have to move 6 of them to somewhere else?
  23. I have an 1982 Dodge B150 cargo van. It runs great, but is a stick shift. This guys has: Gibson Flying V with Zakk Wylde EMG pickups 7 String Ibanez Universe Line 6 300 Watt head with floor board Marshall and Mesa/Boogie rack mount preamps ESP Guitar $800 So far, I'm thinking the money would be the best. $800 is the least I would take. I figure for $800, I can pretty much buy anything the guy has.
  24. I got this pickups that are all wired, but they don't work. It a single and either two more singles, or two singles acting like a humbucker. There is three pots, volume, tone, and whatever Mic1 and Mic2 is (What is this supposed to do?). There is no switch. I am thinking I need one, but I don't know how to wire it. This looks nasty. A big glob of wires are taped and tied together at the end. Think I would be better off taking this whole thing apart and redoing it?
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