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Everything posted by Sparky3

  1. My friend gave me an acoustic guitar, not the best but something to learn on. After i learn a bit what are some good rock,metal or whatever kind of songs that aren't real difficult that i can learn. I figure if i learn real music instead of twinkle twinkle i'll enjoy it more.Also any advice on dvd's to learn from. thanks.
  2. Would anyone recomend a dean guitar like the vandeta.
  3. Are any of the starter paks like epiphone les paul special2 or Ibanez metal pak good.
  4. I'm thinking of buying my first electric guitar. I'm a total beginner and would like some advice on which guitar or guitar-amp package to buy. If i can learn some stuff someday i'd like to learn rock and metal. I heard Ibanez or mabey epiphone les paul special II are good starters.
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