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Everything posted by ender

  1. i am spraying over freehand art with minwax polycrylic. can i jsut spray, wait till it hardens (can says an hour) and then spray over it again?
  2. Lo-res pictures (its the only digital cam i have, sorry) btw, i just set the hardware down on it so you could get the big picture, i didnt put it back together tell me thats not awesome psychedelia (if you're into that kinda thing).
  3. uh, well the paint job is not flat, because its a freehand pschedelic paintjob, and the paint is pretty thick, so its got contours to the touch. is this bad news? what should i do? another thing - spray, then sand with like, 220 grit, right? then after a ton of coats, buff, and weait 30 days, or buff after 30 days? i just need a general rundown on the coating procedure (like, excactly how to do it ) thanks i sprayed the first coat today - it looks great. it really doesnt seem nevessary to sand- im afraid of hitting the paint. can i just spray and dry?
  4. i got my guitar painted by a friend using water-based enamel paint. I plan on using Minwax water-based "Polycrylic" semi gloss (mi padre brought it home, should i get gloss?), because i was told that normal solvent-based stuff will tear up the paint job (since it's water-based and enamel). will this work? i have the spray version, this is the brush-on version if this stuff is crap, point me in the right direction. thanks
  5. oh man that sucks! we used water based enamel because the art teacher told us to under recommendatios that it was durable. what would an ordinary clearcoat like poly do to this art? and also, can you be more specific with water based clear coats? i dont really know what to do. What excactly should i buy?
  6. change of plans, we used water-based enamel for the freehand art. it looks amazing, but will spray poly work? also how many coats, should i sand in between, and how should i go about the sanding? thanks
  7. my strat is being painted in a psychedelic fashion by an incredible artist right now. he's using acrylic paint. what i need to know is what do i use to seal and protect it and how to i apply, sand between coats, how many coats, etc. i was thinking polyurethane, but i may be wrong. if i am just being a redundant noob, then please direct me to where i can find the answers i'm looking for. thanks. this is the look i'm going for.
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