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Everything posted by Ichneumon

  1. Carlos Santana had the biggest influence on me, it's just so soulful and beautiful when he plays.
  2. Well I was in a Prog/Thrash band for 5 years, so I'd say those 2.
  3. I used to have it long, up until about 3 years ago when I decided it would probably be best to get a real job rather than play in an incredibly bad thrash band. I ended up working for my parents again. Ah well. People here seem to be a lot less prudish about it than in the South, when I was in Napoli I got a few odd looks and some remarks, haha. -Libero
  4. Sto bene, e tu? Ho affisso in italiano in possibilità che c'è stato un altro italiano sul questo foro. Ho giusto! Or am I wrong? Do you not speak Italian fluently? Anyway, you say you live in the UK. Where you born there or did you move? And yes, I know that area, I went to university in Napoli. Saluti, Libero.
  5. Hello everyone, I've been lurking around here for a while and I guess I must introduce myself. My name is Libero Battezzato, I'm from a small town on Lake Como in Italy. I'm 28 years old, I work in a restaurant, but one of my main hobbies is luthiery. I'm currently building two guitars, unfortunately I don't have any photos of them because my camera is broken. Anyway, that's me.
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