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Posts posted by juze

  1. Moro, Juze. Neil said it all there. Thicker strings deflect further when you fret them, plus the outer strings run at an angle compared to the middle strings. I usually move the bass side back 3mm in addition to the normal scale length.

    Thanks Prostheta! (Are you finnish btw?) Now I've got answer to my question :D

  2. Yea, thx!

    Actually, I've used that calculator and many more that are included in that "many calculators"-topic.

    BUT, it's hard to tell, what I really mean. My English isn't very good, sorry about that.

    Actually, I make few question about your build, that might help me on my primary question:

    1. Is your nut/0-fret 90 degree angled to your strings? (I expect that it is)

    2. How long is the space between your nut and bridge on the first string? (The thinnest ofc)

    3. How long is the space between your nut and bridge on the seventh string? (Usually the one which is B-tuned)

    Maybe you now understood what I tried to ask about.


    4th question: The first string at the bridge is strictly at the scale and the B-string is just 2-3 mm further from the nut than it really should be (telling by the space between 12th nut and bridge)?

    -Juze aka Ghroath :D

  3. I put mine about 2-3mm further back on my Capricorn R7t, and it intonates perfectly.


    I'm also planning to do 7-string guitar. Let's say, that my scale is 660,4 mm (26")(Btw, that really is my scale lenght :D). SO, what point will come in that 660,4mm from the nut? 1st String? 4th string? Of course I mean the point at the bridge. And I'm going to use tunomatic!

    Ps. My guitar body will be almost full copy of Jackson's dinky series. My friend borrowed me one so I could draw the shape of da body B)

    Pps. 1st post here! :D But I've been registered here already sometime B)

    -Juze aka Ghroath

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